
Jesusita Fire

The calls came into the office all day long today. A burn threatened Santa Barbara City. 3PM: Looking out my office window I could see the smoke pillar. Hmm wind is WNW. Headed away from town I had thought. 5:30PM Wind shifted to the NE. NOT good. Had called and e mailed family and friends. If you are south of the fire MOVE. We may have a Sundowner tonight. Sundowner winds are peculiar to SB. They can attain speeds in excess of 100 MPH, and arrive in force post sundown. hence the name. I had been through two horrific fires


Jesusita Fire

The calls came into the office all day long today. A burn threatened Santa Barbara City. 3PM: Looking out my office window I could see the smoke pillar. Hmm wind is WNW. Headed away from town I had thought. 5:30PM