

Connectedness |kəˈnɛktədnəs| noun ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense [be united physically] ; rare before the 18th cent.): from Latin connectere, from con- ‘together’ + nectere ‘bind.’ Drew Kampion, co editor of The Surfers Path, to which I am a long time contributor, had dropped a simple note via the inet clothesline: “Hey I cannot believe you have not met Mark Gray, you two have so much in common. Mark meet Dave, Dave, Mark. He is coming down to Sacred Craft.” Scott Bass, my friend and colleague from Surfer Magazine has formulated a unique cultural event based around the



Connectedness |kəˈnɛktədnəs| noun ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense [be united physically] ; rare before the 18th cent.): from Latin connectere, from con- ‘together’ + nectere ‘bind.’ Drew Kampion, co editor of The Surfers Path, to which I am