
Another Story and Study in the Covid Biowar

  This article linked below unwinds the FDA examination and approval under another EUA, of the childhood vaccine-serum plot, which will bring the total of injections of all manner of Pharma products in a person’s lifetime, far beyond the pre Covid number of 71. When one unwinds the current CV-serum campaign, and closely examines the precursor, which was the Flu series, that rapidly escalated from a single “pandemic event only”, to an annual injection, and went from adult only, to adolescent, to infant, one can see how society was prepped to accept the concept of the necessity for Pharmaceutical

Another Story and Study in the Covid Biowar

  This article linked below unwinds the FDA examination and approval under another EUA, of the childhood vaccine-serum plot, which will bring the total of injections of all manner of Pharma products in a person’s lifetime, far beyond the pre