
Deeper Dive

Once again, Toby Rogers takes the reader on a deeper dive into the medical-research-legal aspects of the Covid Op. His detailed analysis and excellent collection of links, explain the nuances involved in this huge Govt- Pharmaceutical Industry generated mess, which we all are having our noses rubbed into. (Always insightful)   What we are living through is a patent example of High Crimes against Humanity, committed via Political system and Regulatory agency capture by the Pharmaceutical Industry.   The damage swath and volume is unprecedented in recent History.    

The Conspiracy of Pressure to Consent

One of the companies I oversee was just sent what I consider to be a dire threat from the Economic Development Collaborative. You can read it at the link below.–Cal-Osha-Emergency-Temporary-Standard.html?soid=1109072962451&aid=qMfRC2MyZdo   Next step: all business. All of this is illegal. But if people consent, then it begins to fall under the principle-tort of “precedent” . It creates precedent. The concept of precedent comes from British Common Law and is associated with the UCC (The standard which the UN operates under) which is not affiliated w US Constitutionally based law whatsoever. I have been speaking on this for over ten

Deeper Dive

Once again, Toby Rogers takes the reader on a deeper dive into the medical-research-legal aspects of the Covid Op. His detailed analysis and excellent collection of links, explain the nuances involved in this huge Govt- Pharmaceutical Industry generated mess, which

The Conspiracy of Pressure to Consent

One of the companies I oversee was just sent what I consider to be a dire threat from the Economic Development Collaborative. You can read it at the link below.–Cal-Osha-Emergency-Temporary-Standard.html?soid=1109072962451&aid=qMfRC2MyZdo   Next step: all business. All of this is