The Big Nevermind

The Big Nevermind

Pay Up
Pay Up

The City of Ventura is my home. I have owned a house and various other properties and leases here for 30 years.

Communities are pretty simple really. Generally they are composed of diverse components, all assembled in a willingness to live and work in a place that they find desirable. The willingness to contribute, is directly proportional to establishing a  sense of forward motion. Effect must equal cause. Benefit is weighed against cost.

So onward the ship sails with all of us aboard, planning, building, laughing, crying, fighting, healing, birthing, living, dying: together.

For any of this to occur, the members of the community must feel that they each, by their contribution, have a positive affect.  They must believe in the product. Otherwise it all just stops.

That is why everybody matters.

Seth Godin, a marketing genius, and the brain behind the Global network called Triiibes of which I am a member, has this to say regarding products we put ourselves behind.

Being someone who must establish benefit in my product and taking my relationship with the people who I serve very personally, I spent a few days looking around at the latest thing the City of Ventura has implemented in it’s little Downtown:  Big Blue Parking Pay Stations. Police are swarming the streets. That is new as well.  A somewhat beleaguered group of downtown merchants, and what appears to be an oppressive choice by the City of Ventura, done in a manner that is confusing, insulting, and restrictionist, no matter how one looks at it, was a high profile tone where ever I walked, listened and shot.

With the exception of a few abject apologies and explanations to six distraught visitors, I said NOTHING. I just watched, and listened.

I have never seen a population so ticked off by what, in a couple months, as the affect settles in as a fact of daily life, is really a small thing: pay parking downtown. But if I am silent, or put money in the meter, or place myself in an environment swirling with Law enforcement, I am endorsing what City leaders have done. I do not agree,  nor will I accept the aggravation and thereby let it change who or what I am.

I know how retail works. (I was in it for almost twenty years. Think about what one can learn by opening a door to the public for twenty years) This could possibly kill Downtown Ventura again (This is the third endeavor to meter downtown and by far the most onerous and expensive).

I suspect that City Hall has engaged in an attack on the citizenry of Ventura that will eventually see Federal investigation.(Parking meters are only one of multiple things which the City is doing to-for the people of Ventura)  I do not need the headache, nightmare or further association with the City of Ventura. No one does. Not really. Not at this cost.

So rather than bitch, rant and moan about the meters, engage continually on Facebook, or in Community meetings, I am simply going to share what I witnessed this week and list several avenues available as a means of remediation, then move on to more productive endeavors.

This is bigger than what one would suspect. The proverbial tip of the iceberg, it just lets you know how city leadership is, and what they are.  Entitlement does this. Disconnectedness and disrespect are it’s fruits. Most of our City management are not from here, so they are applying rules and methods learned somewhere else, to a community that in the past five years seemed to be reaching an appropriate stride.

But our capitally leveraged economy has collapsed in the past five years. Big change. Everyone has been left in the lurch. Including the City. It is tough out there.

The Ventura Star. Our local newspaper, explains the meters here.

A Pasadena blogger explains our City Manager, Rick Cole, here. They are from one of his prior projects-towns. I was stunned by what I read, but seeing what has been going on here, it made sense. Read it and decide for yourself.

The Ventura Star looks at Mr. Cole and other City leaders here.

A look at a recent recall effort (and it’s failure) of our appointed Mayor, Bill Fulton, here.

What the Federal Government seems to be discovering, as it continues in it’s investigations of corruption in California City Governance, is that frequently, common threads link issues and people across county and city limits. It is true about birds of a feather.

YOU can report corruption and your personal experiences right here at the FBI website. If you feel your Civil Rights have been or are being violated, you can try there. More information here.

If you have an issue with City Governance, you can also try to file a complaint at the county level, which is an overseer of the City. The DA’s office website link is here.

The Brown Act, a State Statute which among other things, gives you a right to be in on every City meeting and input the process, is defined here. Cities need to know about this act, especially if a citizen suspects  that backroom deals are being cut, to facilitate the existence of onerous local code. The law is pretty clear. But you need to know that it exists.

The County Sheriff’s office which maintains legal authority and control  has an excellent list of resources where you can speak with a higher elected official. Do not mistake the local Police Department with the Sheriff’s office. PD is under City authority. The Sheriff is County. Just like in the Wild West, the Sheriff will ultimately uphold your Constitutional rights. They are tutored in them. In fact my film partner, Rob Dafoe’s dad, was a career Deputy Sheriff in Santa Barbara. Those guys know a lot.

I will not be a part of this. There is an entire world and life outside of where my house is, that I continue to explore and share. Being downtown and seeing the affect of all of this, just saddens and angers me. I do not need that.  Being responsible for my own life, tone and family, the act of being awash in dirty negatives, will shortly devalue my soul,  Art and Craft. We become who and what we are in bed with. I want no part of an entity that hurts people or environment to survive. It is the ultimate in destructive unsustainability.

I must believe and have trust in the place I market, and expose to the world. Because by endorsing it, I am putting my own self behind the invitation to experience this place.

This is an image of a trash and recycle station. The former head of the Downtown Ventura Organization Rob Edwards’ brainchild, which serves as a billboard and refuse collection device. When these went in, Rob asked me if he could get usage of some of my Ventura imagery to be placed on the bins so that they would encourage, inspire, and market the strong points of this town. The City had no money to license the images. So I loaned them free of charge, a large collection, roughly equating in usage value to about 10,000 dollars. Rob was on point. The message was flawless.”Look at our town and ocean: preserve and protect it.

The City fired Rob Edwards shortly after that. Rob now heads the San Mateo DVO. Rob is one talented and smart man. A former cop, he understands cities, and community. This is what is on the bins today.

Recycling a Town's Dreams
Recycling a Town's Dreams

In the course of a year, hundreds of magazines and commercial entities use my work. I even lend usage to financially beleaguered City Departments for nominal or no charge promotion of this place. I engage a Global community of media professionals in Film, Editorial and Commercial work with Ventura as my home base. I believe in the people of this place enough to have somewhat recently, branded myself as a Ventura Photographer and Film Maker rather than a Santa Barbara one, in spite of my roots in and library of, SB related work and community.

What that does basically, via metadata embedding, captioning and basic marketing tools, is create a small fortune in high credibility marketing for the City of Ventura. At no expense to the City, beyond offering an inviting, ethically run, safe place for the world to visit. I put myself on the line in doing this. My colleagues trust me to be ethical and true in what I portray.

Below is an image which I shot yesterday. It is of Kathleen Fitzgerald, the former Director of Sales for the City of Ventura Tourism Department. She is moving back to the City of Longbeach after being let go of here. Like Rob Edwards, she believed in this place and marketed it Nationally and beyond for almost 5 years. She was a huge service benefit to Ventura. No one will probably ever know the number of hats she wore and the massive victories she accomplished while an employee of the City of Ventura. A few of us helped her sell off and pack her belongings. Venturans do  stuff like that. We tend to stick up for those who stick their necks out for us.

I Tried: Kathleen Fitzgerald
I Tried: Kathleen Fitzgerald

So after seeing (actions are everything) what the City really thinks of this beautiful place and its wonderful people, by my own sense of  ethics I must make a choice, as I am eminently responsible for what I market and will not be a party to what I perceive as being harmful, degrading or  illegal and in violation of Civil Rights.

I have one ethical choice, as our actions, define our self and community.

So: nevermind.

“If a man does not have an ideal and try to live up to it, then he becomes a mean, base and sordid creature, no matter how successful.” Theodore Roosevelt

Below is a gallery of images and how Ventura looks to me right now. If you come here. the people of this place will appreciate you, endeavor to help you, show you beautiful things, and our City may screw with, and threaten and charge you for things which you may be able to acquire for free in other communities.  Being warned, I hope that you still come. (Forewarned is forearmed.) Our town is truly the Real California. Though that can be a scary thing these days.

Ventura’s Zuri Allen Star, wrote a song called Walk With Me. It says a lot.

Speaking of nevermind, Saturday Night Live often develops cultural commentary that transcends generations. They did it again here. A conversation between City and Citizen. I doubt that Nevermind is now an option for them, but it is for us.

Ventura is what it is: a pretty, and remarkable patch of historic land and ocean with a culturally engaging populace. We just seem to have a lot of vultures here at the moment. Must be the dead bodies.

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mary osborne

Great blog Dave!!!!

Robert Catalusci

Thank you, David ! Please wait for reply.

I am trying to relate to the imediacy of the so – called debt of the city of Ventura ? where does the money go ! – Sable coats and parking ja ! The capital clearly out weighs the gains.

Big Love Brother –

Steven Schleder

…you are so nice and reserved with the City’s recent ‘new urbanism’ actions.

I have said from the beginning that if a City Council and their City Manager, support the existance of 7,000 local desecrated pioneer graves (3,000 desecrated graves at St. Mary’s, Presbyterian, Hebrew Cemeteries and the 3,850 desecrated Catholic graves beneath the original Holy Cross School) then there is NOTHING that these demonic monsters will not do to get what they want.

I can only thank God that they do not have any money!

In fact, is there a way to cut their cash flow in half?

We don’t need these people here nor do the residents want these people here. I’m wondering if City of Azusa or the City of Old Forge, New York will take their little darlings back?

Have you noticed all the vacant & chain link fenced, graded dirt lots around town waiting for financing? These are supposed to be the high density in-fill ‘new urbanism’ projects.

These are the ‘new urbanist’s’ swan songs gone wrong.

Do they make them into dog parks to take the pressure off of our ‘dog park’ cemetery?

Do they make them into neighborhood parcelled vegetable gardens…some of the best soil in the world with 4 crops per year?

We are not important to them, David.

You are way too nice.

Ed Brenegar

These actions by the city are the sort of thing that promote suburban sprawl. It is really short sighted, and counterproductive. And as you’ve shown, those whose idea this approach to revenue generation this is, will move on to another community, and do the same.

I work with municipal government leaders. I like them a lot because they are always seeking for practical solutions to the problems that affect their neighbors and themselves. They are in a very tough spot these days as the economy becomes more dominated by Washington. The course Ventura is taking is not a solution, but a bandaid on a broken leg. It has some logic, but only when the problem is misdiagnosed.

I imagine that wealthy business owners have already staked out the prime undeveloped parcels of land, just over the city limits where they can establish new retail centers for business. And the people will gravitate there, where they are welcomed by an open environment of hospitality.

Clark Hoyt

Great blog!
I stand with you regarding your frustration with the ciy of ventura.
They need to learn to be proactive and not reactive.
I`m tired of the intimidation tactics the city uses to abuse their “power”.
Keep up the good work David, keep your chin up, we can make a change.
I`m with you brother.
Clark Hoyt

Angie Hecht

Your photos of the parking meters in front of vacant store fronts speaks volumns!! Thank you for caring about our community.

jim rice

David….thanks for this blog…as you know I resigned from every board and committee affilliated with the city or DVO..for exactly these reasons….i will never turn my back on the real Ventura ..which is the people…not the city oor govmt…..


THANK YOU DAVID! I reposted this and am forwarding your blog.

Jeff Maxwell

A great and sad commentary on change here in Ventura. I remember when they first “Modernized” the downtown areas a few years ago. I did not like that as well, but most did not listen, and only saw the gain and not the loss. What we lost was the ambiance of the downtown area. Ventura was one of the few California towns that had retained the look and feel of it’s original identity. Now it is more homogenized and has the look of the downtown section of Santa Barbara. Thanks again David for all the links included in your blog. The added depth and information provided a base from which to view the future works of these folks.
Warmest regards,
Jeff Maxwell – MAX


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