Freedom’s Fall

Freedom’s Fall

Freedom's Fall

I cannot help at be shocked at the discussions I read, as we near Election day here in the US. The disconnect is absolutely incredible in the ranks of those involved in the marketing of a President. But what goes on is fairly predictable none the less. WE did not get to this place overnight. Remember that word as you read down: “we”.

“You can’t sustain a democracy in an oligarchic state”- Chris Hedges

I distinctly remember the election of Barack Hussein Obama. I have clear memory of my reasoning, as well as a hope in what he purported to be, and in turn, I had been cautiously enthusiastic about the return of the Oligarchy in this new Administration.

The campaign assured me, and indeed all of us, that they would “do the right thing” which is pretty much the foundational tenet of the Democratic Political platform, as well as a foundational Philosophy within the structure of the Electoral process, contained in the US Constitution.

I recall wondering how it was, that after the damages and crime of the Bush Administration, we had a man who was a Constitutional Attorney to champion the restoration of our Democratic Republic? Of course I would “vote for hope”.

However in the back of my mind was the Pragmatist. His was that of the CEO, the Leader, who had experienced  coaching by Civil servants on crime and prevention in Corporate structure. That guy whispered this. “What if you are wrong? What if this man has a pathological problem, in a similar vein to the Con men which you have seen endeavor to ply their trades in some of the companies you have run? What then?”

Well, as it turns out, Mr Obama betrayed his oath of office and did so in an increasingly bold and brazen fashion, as his term unfolded. He reinforced and built upon the degradation of Civil Rights guaranteed under Federal Law, which was begun under the Bush Administration.  He did so with the assistance and acknowledgement of Congress. The Chief Executive wedding his purpose with that of the Legislative branch, in a locking down, and repression, of the American people.

In the meantime, the Globalists which preside over many of the worlds largest Economic entities watched the events unfold and waited, hedging their bets, waiting to see if the world’s largest imperialistic power could be undermined, and brought under global economic control.

Below is a link which tutors on a malady called Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  A local businessman had pointed out the existence of this malady, which he stated was prevalent in many holders of Political office. Indeed we had experienced it in stark illustration within our own City Government, with the rise and fall of a seriously defective City Manager.…

We likely have that in our Presidential Officeholder.

Below is a series of articles. which explain what we have going on in the Presidency today, if taken in contextual entirety.

The last link is an audio file from a radio show where a Father speaks of the loss of his son at Benghazi.

This is going to change. But people must determine what complicity really means to them, in their choices. Because ignoring or failing to examine, is a pointed decision, and makes one a partner in this regime. That is despicable.

You can choose evil. That is what this is really about.

The death of Chris Stevens and our people at Benghazi was evil. Our Admin had been possibly watching, in real time. It is only one example. Many exist.

Have a look at these three articles-links. In them lie a pointed look at the Presidency and a reasonable explanation is there,  for what we have today.…

I have said repeatedly that our Intelligence is complete regarding US bases of operation. It will continue to be. We are good at what we do, waging the processes developed by our Military Industrial Complex.
None of this is about Red or Blue. Our system of checks and balances has been severely compromised.

Own your mind. Choose wisely. Learn vigilance. Reject division.

Because when it all fails, what the American people need to recognize, is that they will still be planted with their fellows, on US soil.

Here is an in depth look by Chris Hedges.

Here is a brief summation of our existent process, which we can change by removal of this President, as a first step. But that is only a small step. The Globalists have hedged their bets in Congress and within the context of this Presidential election. No reason exists yet for them to alter the plan.

” We are seeing the creation of a feudal society. An Oligarchy. And the reduction of two thirds of this country to a subsistence level, similar to a Feudal Serfdom” – Chris Hedges

From where I stand the only thing which matters today, is pushing to restore the shattered legal foundation of our Constitution which began to accelerate post 9-11 and grew in the depth of it’s destruction under the Administration of Barack Obama. Elect that? We should be impeaching it, just as we should have with the prior Administration.

Without an accurate and valid foundation, no solid legal structure exists for the maintenance of a traditional Democratic Republic system of Govt. here.  So unless we hold our Govt to account, all the other “stuff” the public is being fed, is just so much white noise.

I hope that in the process of all this theater, the American people as a body realize that their Politicians are not the Govt, and certainly not their Country. The heart has been severed from the body. This place needs a surgeon, not another clown. Our freedoms are not being guarded by the current system. They are intentionally being stripped and the ones who seek to preserve liberty, are being slaughtered in every manner imaginable.

That should never be an acceptable choice for any human being.




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