Quite some time ago, I determined to change my digital footprint. I did this for a laundry list of reasons. The principal one being that I disliked digital had matured into a means of creating a surveillance hive. The thing about hives, is that all the occupants live in extremely close proximity.In the digital hive the result is a morphing of the free will bearing individual, into a groupthink-groupact mentality.
This was extremely self evident during the Covid Op. The danger of being in the hive is generally occluded by a sense of security. As a result, one’s sense of self preservation wanes. Individuality and ability to create and cogitate decline, because the noise and connection of the hive will drown out what we really ought to be hearing: the timbre and tone of a creation God has architected us to function within.
I stepped out of the Apple iphone ecosystem, went to a flip phone with no camera and no real texting capability, nor online connection. I then culled all my Facebook pages. Twitter was next. Sometime after that a conversation with my wife, whose company I do work for, and which also represents my work, gave me permission to step away from Instagram. So I did that as well.
While this all may seem to be rather sudden and dramatic, it began many years ago, when I turned off the TV’s in our home and removed them. There was something about paying to watch programming that was frequently an insult to the average person’s intelligence, which was being interrupted regularly with the advertising of products and messages I loathed that sort of outraged me. So I quit it.
All that to say this. I have a lot more time now. The increasing pervasiveness of Ai has limited impact on me. It is easier for me to discern the voice of God. Although I can still hear the hive, I am largely free of negative interference by it. I see Truth more clearly now. In a time when the volume of threat is coming at Humanity faster than ever before in History, I treasure clarity more with each passing day.
I am going to begin to post here on my blog. I won’t discuss all aspects of my work, but I will share my Photography, and Cinematography, and possibly some thoughts that might prove useful to a few people.
Merry Christmas and may this pending new year be one of blessings for you.
Thank you for being here.