Twitter blocked this article on Masking (Pretty thorough Dr. Mercola article) https://articles. archive/2020/10/09/face- shield-and-mask.aspx?cid_ source=dnl&cid_medium=email& cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid= 20201009Z1&mid=DM673294&rid= 983649643
And they pushed this outrageous action by Yelp:
John Stossel nailed it here:
What we are experiencing goes far deeper than George Orwell or Aldous Huxley ever could have imagined. It will change Humanity, and place it under a system of control which does not hold your best interest in any esteem whatsoever.
How will this happen?
People will agree to it. But more than that, they will demand it.
How does one stop what appears to be a runaway train?
The voices are censored, but powerful none the less.
Here is one via the web portal of the Healthy American created by an amazing woman named Peggy Hall. This site is full of every asset a person needs who wants to opt out of the criminal actions being foisted on our society in this time.
I am a believer, thank you for caring. 1938 was not a very good year and remains the same.
nothing like fucking fracking?