
In Pursuit of God’s Glory

You may find this read from Gary Sharpe valuable. The comments thread is excellent. People are thinking. At least some are: Donna and I were discussing how that the main target of all this was really the children. Capture them, and you win the day. 44 vaccinations. Heck lets make it 90. Nonstop from birth to death, as we lower potential lifespans for the entire human race, and decrease natality in developed nations. Meanwhile, the under developed breed to the moon, resulting in a new slave class. In the grade schools, negate dichotomous sexuality and pervert understanding of the

In Pursuit of the Good

This dropped in as I was finishing loading my two trauma kits today. It really struck me, because I maintain my emergency medical supply kit in order to respond to accidents and sudden trauma. I started doing this years ago when I was globe wandering as a photojournalist. Reading this broadened my comprehension of the dramatic attack on Public Health and Safety we have been undergoing, in what can only be described as biowarfare. In pondering all of this, I actually might create a third kit, just to manage some of the damage I have witnessed and that which

Fear Not This will not end well. All of these companies mentioned in the article just likely put us in greater jeopardy. Easy to see who they are in league with. Back that bear into a corner (Fok around and find out) Here: I think one of our own lovely politicians just threatened this as well. China is waiting w open arms and will likely be an economic foil for Russia, though it is heavily invested in Western leadership and economies. The scriptural collaboration of Gog and Magog is likely going on right before our eyes. This read will help

Murdering Children for Politics and Profit

Steven Kirch’s investigative work in this newsletter piece rings clear as a bell.  Perfectly healthy young people dying in very close proximity to their CV inoculation dates, all with symptoms which point squarely at the Pharmaceutical MFGS who have zero liability. Who would consent to this if they were properly informed?     Here is Dr David Martin speaking on: “The COVID Plandemic Treasonous Acts” Dr Peter McCullough in a stunning lecture on Vaccine Efficacy, Effects and Early Treatment Dr Zelenko on the vaccine program as premeditated murder If one were to take the time to read through and view

Suicide of the System

Aaron Siri laying out the architecture of one of the most dynamic and horrific attacks on Public Health in the our History in his substack post. When will it end? How does it stop? Who will place the stick in the spokes of the giant wheel of Govt-Pharma which crushes Humanity? Or is this really a suicide of Govt and the Pharmaceutical Industry as they destroy the very ones who pay for their existence? Energy Theory being what it is, the eventual outcome would appear to be obvious.

Freedom to Pharmaceutical Fascism

Another home run piece by Toby Rogers as he chronicles: “How the US Descended into Pharma Fascism. In 7 Steps”. Last week my wife attended a school board event at a local hotel meeting room which celebrated a program her company had volunteered to participate in. The program has the students come in to her company where she talks to them about creativity, marketing, building a business. The students are encouraged and directed in developing their own business projects. It is a really brilliant program and she felt an obligation to donate time which she really did not have, in

Deeper Dive

Once again, Toby Rogers takes the reader on a deeper dive into the medical-research-legal aspects of the Covid Op. His detailed analysis and excellent collection of links, explain the nuances involved in this huge Govt- Pharmaceutical Industry generated mess, which we all are having our noses rubbed into. (Always insightful)   What we are living through is a patent example of High Crimes against Humanity, committed via Political system and Regulatory agency capture by the Pharmaceutical Industry.   The damage swath and volume is unprecedented in recent History.    

The Conspiracy of Pressure to Consent

One of the companies I oversee was just sent what I consider to be a dire threat from the Economic Development Collaborative. You can read it at the link below.–Cal-Osha-Emergency-Temporary-Standard.html?soid=1109072962451&aid=qMfRC2MyZdo   Next step: all business. All of this is illegal. But if people consent, then it begins to fall under the principle-tort of “precedent” . It creates precedent. The concept of precedent comes from British Common Law and is associated with the UCC (The standard which the UN operates under) which is not affiliated w US Constitutionally based law whatsoever. I have been speaking on this for over ten

Data Fraud and Serum Injury: Another Dispatch from the Biowar

    In a conversation with a close friend recently, which found its way on to the subject of Covid and the Covid “vaccination” program, they asked me this question: “Why wouldn’t you take the vaccine? There is no down side.” The comment was like being struck in the face by a brick. Especially since as of that day, I had already run across over a dozen deaths in network, and witnessed first hand, adverse effects from this terrible neurotoxin being forced on Humanity in Hitlerian fashion. The ramifications of the statement were stunning in their glaring stupidity. This coming

Another Story and Study in the Covid Biowar

  This article linked below unwinds the FDA examination and approval under another EUA, of the childhood vaccine-serum plot, which will bring the total of injections of all manner of Pharma products in a person’s lifetime, far beyond the pre Covid number of 71. When one unwinds the current CV-serum campaign, and closely examines the precursor, which was the Flu series, that rapidly escalated from a single “pandemic event only”, to an annual injection, and went from adult only, to adolescent, to infant, one can see how society was prepped to accept the concept of the necessity for Pharmaceutical

In Pursuit of God’s Glory

You may find this read from Gary Sharpe valuable. The comments thread is excellent. People are thinking. At least some are: Donna and I were discussing how that the main target of all this was really the children. Capture

In Pursuit of the Good

This dropped in as I was finishing loading my two trauma kits today. It really struck me, because I maintain my emergency medical supply kit in order to respond to accidents and sudden trauma. I started doing this years

Fear Not This will not end well. All of these companies mentioned in the article just likely put us in greater jeopardy. Easy to see who they are in league with. Back that bear into a corner (Fok around and find

Murdering Children for Politics and Profit

Steven Kirch’s investigative work in this newsletter piece rings clear as a bell.  Perfectly healthy young people dying in very close proximity to their CV inoculation dates, all with symptoms which point squarely at the Pharmaceutical MFGS who have zero

Suicide of the System

Aaron Siri laying out the architecture of one of the most dynamic and horrific attacks on Public Health in the our History in his substack post. When will it end? How does it stop? Who will place the stick in

Freedom to Pharmaceutical Fascism

Another home run piece by Toby Rogers as he chronicles: “How the US Descended into Pharma Fascism. In 7 Steps”. Last week my wife attended a school board event at a local hotel meeting room which celebrated a program her

Deeper Dive

Once again, Toby Rogers takes the reader on a deeper dive into the medical-research-legal aspects of the Covid Op. His detailed analysis and excellent collection of links, explain the nuances involved in this huge Govt- Pharmaceutical Industry generated mess, which

The Conspiracy of Pressure to Consent

One of the companies I oversee was just sent what I consider to be a dire threat from the Economic Development Collaborative. You can read it at the link below.–Cal-Osha-Emergency-Temporary-Standard.html?soid=1109072962451&aid=qMfRC2MyZdo   Next step: all business. All of this is

Another Story and Study in the Covid Biowar

  This article linked below unwinds the FDA examination and approval under another EUA, of the childhood vaccine-serum plot, which will bring the total of injections of all manner of Pharma products in a person’s lifetime, far beyond the pre