Waging Peace: Cultural Alchemy

Waging Peace: Cultural Alchemy

Most of us have thought along the same lines at various points in our life’s timeline. The answer to our question “why?” usually bounces right back in similar fashion as it is asked. “Because that is just the way it is.”

Here is a dynamic Ted talk by Ron Edry, who as an Israel based graphic designer (and former soldier) eschewed convention, and created a shift

Does it matter? Only to those who moved. There are a lot of them.

Art changes things.

The book Blue Mind, written by Marine Scientist Wallace J Nichols made the NYT best seller list recently in the category of Science. Blue Mind examines the effect of water on mankind through the discipline of Neuroscience. I have been both blessed and informed to have sat in on and been a part of the Blue Mind Summits, as well as the assembling of this innovative examination of how we might be able to think differently regarding the world at large.

It starts simply, cultural shift. I like that.

I crave simplicity.

Why not happiness, too?

One of my colleagues, publisher and artist Joe Cardella, has based his life work on boring a hole into the psyche of popular culture and setting a depth charge with this simple message: “Art Saves Lives”.

Go make some.

The life you save…..is your own.

Blue mind
Blue mind


Blue Minded
Blue Minded
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