

Everyone has reasons for the things they engage, which by their actions define that person. The sage old adage of “It must work for them” really does not cover the reasons why people do things that well. I thought about why I do some of the things which I engage as an Artist, this week. It was brought into high focus for me by conversations with editors who I greatly respect in publishing and commercial ventures. It made me think about why I shoot what I do, especially the Ocean stuff. I mean, the world does not need another perfect


Is not the same as being full of life. The word Ha’ole in Hawaiian translates roughly as being without breath. When we come into this world, it is the first thing we do, draw breath. As we leave, it is the last. We expel it. I have long seen it evidenced that the heart and soul of culture can benefit deeply by being connected to Nature, especially through water. It is both breath and life. This is why indigenous cultures consider themselves to be a vital part of nature and the eco system. They are inseparable from it. This is


It is in recognition of the ironical that I communicate essence via digital connection. But here is the deal, if we get what essence is, we walk into balance as human beings and digital becomes an asset of high worth. The note above was written during the last days of my friend Justin Doty, as he eyed his end here. It was shared by his life long love, Harmony Scott.  Breathe, then take it in. What he says on the note pad is exactly what I said, as I launched into my career in Photography. Solitude created me as an

In Motion

One of the more dramatic motion segments I have experienced was in the course of shooting motion picture for a film project centered on Hawaii. The stills image above is a quick grab done as  Tyler Swain., Rob Dafoe and I worked 3 camera positions at Anahuli Bay, Hawaii. I think that we all got chicken skin in the course of this days long shoot, repeatedly. We were cognizant of being able to witness something bigger than some people from the Waikaloa Halau performing. Shooting motion and understanding the nuances is really quite complex.  At least it is, if you

On Beauty

I have a lot to say regarding Beauty and how it affects the Consciousness of our World. But rather than write on it and endeavor to go into the Science of the affects of Beauty, I am just going to share beauty with you as I have experienced it this week. Here is a prescient piece of Music set to remarkable Cinematography. Nahko Bear’s “Aloha Ke Akua”. People are amazing. In a culture that tends to dry humanity out, Beauty waters us. When we invest in that, what we are doing is improving our lot as a species. Why Beauty:

Imaging Accountability and Authenticity

In the pretense of living in the now, it is not that uncommon for both people and business to overlook the manner in which they are able to affect things on the global stage. The connection culture of today, brings with it, an ever greater demand for accountability. Accountability is one of “those things”. It is a tenet which is (hopefully) acquired at some stage in a person’s life, and (again,hopefully) as they grow, and the scope of the world in which they live enlarges, it scales. If it does not, you really could see some larger scale problems arise.

True Generosity

There is a place on Bali which my wife insisted we visit. It is a Botanical Garden. Seems sort of obsequious, the idea of building such a thing in a place where one could plant a broomstick and it would grow. But I assure you it is anything but. The place is a model of true generosity. The man whose dream and life works this was, is gone now, having become part of that more grand sonnet which time plays with us all. But his gift, it grows on. And it is beautiful beyond comprehension. German writer Stefan Reisner authored

The Intrigue of Story

I get this with reasonable frequency. A publication or commercial client or individual will contact me regarding doing some work for them. We sit down, a back and forth ensues. They really like what I am doing, and want work which will enhance their online presence by engaging Social Media. Then the conversation inevitably takes a dark turn when they state: “We need this imagery to go viral.” The next thing that generally occurs, is a discussion of the type of work they want: stills, motion, video etc. Then the conversation turns to cost-expense. I detail those for the different

The Fukushima Recovery

We truly have eaten of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with this massive scale disaster in Japan. Within a short period of time after the initial earthquake, many of my associates were involved in study and examination of just what created, potentially the largest environmental disaster we will ever see. What was studied out is now finally able to be written on. I wrote on that today in Beyond a Blog, one of our educational resources for the Ocean Lovers Collective. You can (and should) read about that right here, in “Responsibility: A Glance at a Solution” 

Risk Perception

The image above was shot during the 2010 Maverick’s Challenge where I worked as support and Photographer for K38 Rescue, who ran Event Ocean Safety and in process was in charge of training a cadre of local watermen to be a Rescue team. That local team was headed up by Vince Broglio. It was a big and perfect day. Possibly the biggest, best surf, ever paddled into for a competitive event. The quote is something Shawn said in one of our project groups this week. And I immediately turned it into an Oceanlovers Blue Note. Blue Notes are wisdom gleaned


Everyone has reasons for the things they engage, which by their actions define that person. The sage old adage of “It must work for them” really does not cover the reasons why people do things that well. I thought about


Is not the same as being full of life. The word Ha’ole in Hawaiian translates roughly as being without breath. When we come into this world, it is the first thing we do, draw breath. As we leave, it is


It is in recognition of the ironical that I communicate essence via digital connection. But here is the deal, if we get what essence is, we walk into balance as human beings and digital becomes an asset of high worth.

In Motion

One of the more dramatic motion segments I have experienced was in the course of shooting motion picture for a film project centered on Hawaii. The stills image above is a quick grab done as  Tyler Swain., Rob Dafoe and

On Beauty

I have a lot to say regarding Beauty and how it affects the Consciousness of our World. But rather than write on it and endeavor to go into the Science of the affects of Beauty, I am just going to

Imaging Accountability and Authenticity

In the pretense of living in the now, it is not that uncommon for both people and business to overlook the manner in which they are able to affect things on the global stage. The connection culture of today, brings

True Generosity

There is a place on Bali which my wife insisted we visit. It is a Botanical Garden. Seems sort of obsequious, the idea of building such a thing in a place where one could plant a broomstick and it would

The Intrigue of Story

I get this with reasonable frequency. A publication or commercial client or individual will contact me regarding doing some work for them. We sit down, a back and forth ensues. They really like what I am doing, and want work

The Fukushima Recovery

We truly have eaten of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with this massive scale disaster in Japan. Within a short period of time after the initial earthquake, many of my associates were involved in study and examination

Risk Perception

The image above was shot during the 2010 Maverick’s Challenge where I worked as support and Photographer for K38 Rescue, who ran Event Ocean Safety and in process was in charge of training a cadre of local watermen to be