
Pursuit of Light: An Easter Message

It is no real news, the Easter message. Neither is it too terribly innovative a concept that we all are children of the light. From our conception, through our birth and time on the Earth through our passing here, the entire mission statement is about renewal and following: light. However to engage and embrace that which birthed us is a choice, and every Springtime as Easter rolls around, I am reminded of a choice someone who called themselves the Son of Man made over two thousand years ago. Sounds like a long time, two thousand years. But it really isn’t.

A Blue Voice

  In the moments after the Sea-Space Summit at Google ended in 2012, and some fantastic work had initiated, Charlotte Vick, who heads up the Sylvia Earle Alliance (and so much more) approached me and posed a very direct question. “David, what exactly is it that you do?” Ever meet one of those people, who as soon as you connect, the recognition that you are of the same tribe becomes apparent in an innate manner?  That was how Charlotte struck me. What she really wanted to know however, is who I was. Hers was a very direct question. In fact,

Sea-Space Summit DC 2013

I head to DC on Monday with Dr. Andrea Neal to participate in the Sea-Space Initiative Summit, which is headed up by Guillermo Söhnlein of Opus Novum. Our intention is to get a look at the ongoing crisis in Japan, and examine some of the socio-political architecture which led to the catastrophic failure event at the six reactor Fukushima-Daichi Power Plant.  It is a disaster of massive scale. However, in that lies a great opportunity to create some fantastic change. The last Summit was at Google, and this was what we did (among other things). I was in Dr. Lu’s

The High Value in Story

All of us as creatives, are storytellers. That is worth something. So the integrity, skill and life experience of a creator, matters very much. We function within a socio-economic system that is quite leery of the increasingly open source access to “their market”. In a conversation with two sage colleagues in Photography today, I had to point out something. Basically it was this. Just because surf publishing has deigned to not let you play, does not mean your voice is not valid. In fact, it is the opposite. Established fiscal entities do not necessarily WANT the broad market to know

The Ties That Bind.

Been awhile since I have been able to write here. We have had an intense last few weeks. Deaths, Industrial espionage, amazing shooting days, Birthdays, you know: life. I have been thinking on this the past two weeks, likely due to the betrayal experienced in the espionage. (I was serious) Question I asked myself: What is the difference between a Colleague and a Competitor? A Competitor will grab your hand so they can pull you close, which facilitates a stab in the back. A Colleague grabs your hand and pulls you up, so that together you may form a community.

Benevolent Planning

   The best laid schemes of mice and men / Often go awry- John Steinbeck I shot the image above, from the deck of the Robert G Brownlee, which is the 90 foot Research vessel for the Marine Science Institute. The view was what we saw, as our crew wrapped water tests with some of the new technology developed under the authority and expertise of some remarkable people, who work as Scientists at NASA and are associates with one of the groups I am a member of: Blue Ocean Sciences. It had been a fairly wonderful day. I will write

Tis the Season

  For? We all know what the Holidays in North America typically are significant of: the prior sacrifices and services of the forbearers of the Nation and Christianity. Of course aside from those, at the core, it should be about the inception of gratitude. Traditions are funny things. Over time the embeds get, well… buried. Seth Godin has this to say about it today. Black Friday. Really? I hate the name. Black, the absence of light, love, or gratitude. My wife, Donna had to explain it to me. Keep in mind, such has been my own transformation, that she was

One Intransigent Eve

  The image above was posted onto my Facebook page and a conversation ensued as a result, about helmet usage in water Photography and Cinematography. My esteemed friend and colleague, Steve Fitzpatrick weighed in. Steve had his noggin crushed in a PWC accident by an untrained operator at Tres Palmas in Puerto Rico. He wound up with a Traumatic Brain Injury, as a result. No, if he had been wearing a helmet he still would have acquired TBI. The cure, what really gives us safe passage (this was discussed in thread) is operating  utilizing your ability as a human being.

Freedom’s Fall

I cannot help at be shocked at the discussions I read, as we near Election day here in the US. The disconnect is absolutely incredible in the ranks of those involved in the marketing of a President. But what goes on is fairly predictable none the less. WE did not get to this place overnight. Remember that word as you read down: “we”. “You can’t sustain a democracy in an oligarchic state”- Chris Hedges I distinctly remember the election of Barack Hussein Obama. I have clear memory of my reasoning, as well as a hope in what he purported to

High Definition

The other day, I ran across an innovative new little POV videocam, produced by Sony, and posted the info in a  link to my Facebook page. It breaks ground in a number of very important areas, oh and check out the price tag.  $200.00 Sony HDR-AS10 HD Action Camcorder The conversation that ensued on FB with some of my talented colleagues, underscores how we as content creators, are moving into a new arena, one where POV may be  the simplest and most flexible to convey in the history of Cinema, and we are able to do it inexpensively and without

Pursuit of Light: An Easter Message

It is no real news, the Easter message. Neither is it too terribly innovative a concept that we all are children of the light. From our conception, through our birth and time on the Earth through our passing here, the

A Blue Voice

  In the moments after the Sea-Space Summit at Google ended in 2012, and some fantastic work had initiated, Charlotte Vick, who heads up the Sylvia Earle Alliance (and so much more) approached me and posed a very direct question.

Sea-Space Summit DC 2013

I head to DC on Monday with Dr. Andrea Neal to participate in the Sea-Space Initiative Summit, which is headed up by Guillermo Söhnlein of Opus Novum. Our intention is to get a look at the ongoing crisis in Japan, and

The High Value in Story

All of us as creatives, are storytellers. That is worth something. So the integrity, skill and life experience of a creator, matters very much. We function within a socio-economic system that is quite leery of the increasingly open source access

The Ties That Bind.

Been awhile since I have been able to write here. We have had an intense last few weeks. Deaths, Industrial espionage, amazing shooting days, Birthdays, you know: life. I have been thinking on this the past two weeks, likely due

Benevolent Planning

   The best laid schemes of mice and men / Often go awry- John Steinbeck I shot the image above, from the deck of the Robert G Brownlee, which is the 90 foot Research vessel for the Marine Science Institute.

Tis the Season

  For? We all know what the Holidays in North America typically are significant of: the prior sacrifices and services of the forbearers of the Nation and Christianity. Of course aside from those, at the core, it should be about

One Intransigent Eve

  The image above was posted onto my Facebook page and a conversation ensued as a result, about helmet usage in water Photography and Cinematography. My esteemed friend and colleague, Steve Fitzpatrick weighed in. Steve had his noggin crushed in

Freedom’s Fall

I cannot help at be shocked at the discussions I read, as we near Election day here in the US. The disconnect is absolutely incredible in the ranks of those involved in the marketing of a President. But what goes

High Definition

The other day, I ran across an innovative new little POV videocam, produced by Sony, and posted the info in a  link to my Facebook page. It breaks ground in a number of very important areas, oh and check out