

In Nature, Mankind can see a remarkable intelligence exhibited within the context of  the architecture of systems themselves. The reality is, that if we really want to see a land thrive, the best way to assist is to recognize the role of the individual. Each has a part, and purpose, that if respected and watered, will enable the system to function with remarkable vigor. It is why many of us believe and live the tenet that “everyone matters”.  Because they do. Not in an identical manner, quite the contrary. They make a difference by us allowing for their diversity. One

Labor(ing) Day

                      I posted this blogpost early this morning, on Ocean Lovers Collective’s website. It is a look at the Alchemy of Change. It has been a darned busy weekend. Work in the office on Art, Writing, Photography. Designing a new optical system for my 5DM2 water housing. In process I also found myself doing a bit of image collection work out along Coast Hwy 1 south of where I live. The assets of our Coastline and local waters get a lot of pressure placed upon them as the hordes descend,

Red White and You

Amongst my friends and colleagues, who I see as being people of sound, educated mind, and of exceptional intelligence and compassion, I have observed something. They appear to be stuck. Why is it, that some people prefer to confer the authority and tenets of Leadership, on Politicians? The reason I find this perplexing is due to a recurrent result that is obvious. By repetitively supporting a Red or Blue, Left and Right divisive philosophy, they have jettisoned their own power as individuals, who are for the most part,  in possession of  greater intelligence and connectedness,  than those leading the factions.

The Genie Effect

  It starts early in our lives, that yearning for Change. To do, be, go: to another state of being. Simple as the fable of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, which when rubbed, summons a genie who has the power to grant three wishes, the dream to be able to change what is, has become an embed as a fable. In the fable’s bastardized versions,  the wish always goes awry. Generally due to making the wrong request. You get what is asked for. But at it’s end of course, the result was not what was wanted. An onerous result can

Blue Note

There have been a  series of pointed questions aimed in my direction the past year or so. Many of those have resulted in my being invited into conversations, where my presence as a Creative was sought for a variety of purposes. A year ago, I laughed at the preposterously huge scope of the problems. Today I am stunned by the knowledge that we have located solutions for them. In ONE year. These are huge issues. So how to start, in seeing that they are implemented?     Behind it all, is my firm belief that only in a collective effort,

Digging for Gems

  In my work, much of what I do is frequently not readily apparent. After a recent summit meeting which I got to attend, that was held at Google, I was approached as we all got ready to leave, by a woman who represents a powerful, vital force for the Oceans. I had found myself smiling a lot, when hearing her speak. (Same Tribe apparently) A lot of resonance existed in our observations, regarding solutions to some of the Global issues which the Summit participants examined. “C” came up to me, and with a  smile, asked: “So David, what exactly

Hope and Change

While both the Democratic and Republican camps spend an incomprehensible amount of money, the country suffers as a result of their awful mismanagement and extremely deep corruption. Several years ago, I began to notice, as I returned from travel around the world, and would fly into LAX, that it was beginning to feel increasingly more like a Third World Nation, here in the US. I am not saying that I was not grateful to be home. I always am, and thank the Customs Officers as they welcome me back. Some of them have been at their post for as long

Being Clear

I ran into a friend the other day, who brought up an interesting point about some of my work. In essence, this is what he said. “Do you realize that you often leave it to us, to figure out what you are trying to communicate? That can be really frustrating, as so many of us are busy with other things, and we  want to get it. But there is no time to track through all the links and study it all out. You may want to consider just telling us the answer.” It really is a good point that he

Messenger Arc

  It was foretold in the beginning, that the day would come.  In those early times, Man lived in harmony with all that surrounded him. His days were long in the Earth, and he had Communion with every thing. His Creator enveloped  him in a joy and order, that brought great resonance of heart with all that was. Soul to soul to Spirit, such was the nature of order in those times. Prophecy is a strangely wonderful thing. In the expounding, there is always something of significance to be learned. It will draw the heart of man back to a


  synergy |ˈsinərjē| (also synergism |-ˌjizəm|) noun the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects : the synergy between artist and record company.   Synergy should equal success. Success is relative, as well as transitory. Quite frequently we see illustrated in a very stark manner, that the end, well it really not only did not justify the means, but it may become a darker version of the original problem. Seth Godin writes accurately about how to develop a synergistic response here. Set


In Nature, Mankind can see a remarkable intelligence exhibited within the context of  the architecture of systems themselves. The reality is, that if we really want to see a land thrive, the best way to assist is to recognize the

Labor(ing) Day

                      I posted this blogpost early this morning, on Ocean Lovers Collective’s website. It is a look at the Alchemy of Change. It has been a darned busy weekend. Work

Red White and You

Amongst my friends and colleagues, who I see as being people of sound, educated mind, and of exceptional intelligence and compassion, I have observed something. They appear to be stuck. Why is it, that some people prefer to confer the

The Genie Effect

  It starts early in our lives, that yearning for Change. To do, be, go: to another state of being. Simple as the fable of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, which when rubbed, summons a genie who has the power

Blue Note

There have been a  series of pointed questions aimed in my direction the past year or so. Many of those have resulted in my being invited into conversations, where my presence as a Creative was sought for a variety of

Digging for Gems

  In my work, much of what I do is frequently not readily apparent. After a recent summit meeting which I got to attend, that was held at Google, I was approached as we all got ready to leave, by

Hope and Change

While both the Democratic and Republican camps spend an incomprehensible amount of money, the country suffers as a result of their awful mismanagement and extremely deep corruption. Several years ago, I began to notice, as I returned from travel around

Being Clear

I ran into a friend the other day, who brought up an interesting point about some of my work. In essence, this is what he said. “Do you realize that you often leave it to us, to figure out what

Messenger Arc

  It was foretold in the beginning, that the day would come.  In those early times, Man lived in harmony with all that surrounded him. His days were long in the Earth, and he had Communion with every thing. His


  synergy |ˈsinərjē| (also synergism |-ˌjizəm|) noun the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects : the synergy between artist and record