
The Importance of Water

  The image above was shot in Maldives, an island Nation which lies approx. 1200 SE of India and in comprised mostly of water. The man in the frame is Jon Rose. I am not sure why, but frequently my work tends to be prophetic in nature. This message above is a good example of that. For those of us who live our lives around the Sea, the significance of water is an ever present issue for us. Life is all about Flow. In fact, one of the groups which I am a member of, Triiibes, just put on a

Triiibes 2012. What: Is Happiness

This post is being made from the top floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. As I post it the broad bay view windows overlook the ocean I swim most days. The Coastline is beautiful, waves meander though and a few pods of surfers sit along the lineup on up to the top of Surfer’s Point. A storm approaches. Much goes on in this retreat. There is a level of emotional connection that has all of us at times finding ourselves tearing up and at others, laughing hilariously. But more that the see saw bridge of emotions, we are building community

Talking Story

  When I was very young, my Father explained to me how history was documented in Hawaii. He told me that it was passed along from Father to Son, and that if the chain was ever broken, that the family History could be lost as time passed. So I grew up with the concept of the story being a  relatively sacred thing. As my career in imaging grew, it was based on the telling of stories in the context of my image creation. I would always, no matter how surreal the work became in expression, root the piece in  aspects

K38 Rescue: Precept and Example

I sent Shawn Alladio a note yesterday afternoon. Here it is. At least TRY to have a good time tonight, will ya? This is important. Here is her response. Shut up! LOL     That pretty much sums up what many of us feel, who are on the back end of rendering service, when accolades come our way. Shawn was headed to an awards ceremony. I knew about it. Barely. It is not what we talk about. But a friend had reminded me, and I knew that Dr Andrea Neal, was down to see her in the midst of what

Be the Enlightened

This morning as I prepared for the workday, it was all hustle and bustle in my home. Wrestling with twenty pound cats, charging camera batteries. Organizing my gear for a shoot. Scanning weather data.  Reading a Chapter of Michael Kew’s new book, “Crossings”, and perusing Facebook a bit. Adding a few posts, while monitoring my tone, as best as I am able. I was surprised to see the face of a rather chubby and notorious “pundit” on the walls of many of my “liberal progressive friends”. These are people who normally would never allow themselves to be in the same

Truth Glows

Big difference between the darkness of a Lie and brightness of Truth. Seth Godin absolutely nails the job description of the Creative, in this blogpost he titles Transparent or Translucent. Below is a fascinating story taken from an internet hoax of sorts where someone twisted the TRUTH and did it to their own benefit. My Colleague and friend, Shawn Alladio injected some light into it. This is the true story! Glowing.   CELEBRATED AS OUR AMERICAN HERO Petty Officer Second Class (SEAL) Michael Anthony Monsoor April 5, 1981 – Sept. 29, 2006 Petty Officer Second Class Michael Anthony Monsoor was

Respect for the Subject

Respect narrowly defined, is examined here in this Wiki link. One of the key elements for a creative in a study of any sort, is respect of subject. But here is the twist. One has to respect one’s self first. If that aspect is not nailed to the floor of a soul, the oft times hidden elements of a subject, may never reveal themselves to an artist. But once those things do become apparent, it is self knowledge that allows for us to pick accurate lanes whereby we may expose, illuminate, and from where I stand as a human being,

The Percolative Effect of Mike de Gruy

  “Self-knowledge comes from knowing other men.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Oft times I will awake with my soul in what could be described as a jumble. Ever use one of those old percolating coffee pots? The type which, when the water boils, it spews forth, on to fresh dark ground coffee, and the rich aroma of it will fill an abode with such a heady fragrance, that it pulls you from sleep? Well of course you have. That is where the social axiom arose from: “Wake up, and smell the coffee.” Well my position, is that our soul

The Here and Now of Creativity

  There is very key thing which has literally made my career, and caused me to flourish in some pretty dangerous situations. In yet another deep Facebook conversation, this time with an old friend and colleague named Brent Schlea, we covered it. Focus. Or possibly more to the point: Hyperfocus.  What that means basically, is being so in the moment, that you see and feel and experience time, Spirit, Soul and Body. For an Artist, that can be a fantastic tool. There is that proposition that humans only use a small percentage of our brain’s computing power. I see it

Being Present

In my own creative process, little choice exists for me in my work.  In order to succeed, I must be present, in the right frame of mind, at a propitious moment. This requires that I listen, or “be present” in order to perceive that something important will occur ahead, in the time frame we call the Road of Life. I am there before my body is. That is how what I do works. I know where to be when not many others seem to see or care about that. But anyone could do it. So why don’t they? Why don’t

The Importance of Water

  The image above was shot in Maldives, an island Nation which lies approx. 1200 SE of India and in comprised mostly of water. The man in the frame is Jon Rose. I am not sure why, but frequently my

Triiibes 2012. What: Is Happiness

This post is being made from the top floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. As I post it the broad bay view windows overlook the ocean I swim most days. The Coastline is beautiful, waves meander though and a few

Talking Story

  When I was very young, my Father explained to me how history was documented in Hawaii. He told me that it was passed along from Father to Son, and that if the chain was ever broken, that the family

K38 Rescue: Precept and Example

I sent Shawn Alladio a note yesterday afternoon. Here it is. At least TRY to have a good time tonight, will ya? This is important. Here is her response. Shut up! LOL     That pretty much sums up what

Be the Enlightened

This morning as I prepared for the workday, it was all hustle and bustle in my home. Wrestling with twenty pound cats, charging camera batteries. Organizing my gear for a shoot. Scanning weather data.  Reading a Chapter of Michael Kew’s

Truth Glows

Big difference between the darkness of a Lie and brightness of Truth. Seth Godin absolutely nails the job description of the Creative, in this blogpost he titles Transparent or Translucent. Below is a fascinating story taken from an internet hoax

Respect for the Subject

Respect narrowly defined, is examined here in this Wiki link. One of the key elements for a creative in a study of any sort, is respect of subject. But here is the twist. One has to respect one’s self first.

The Percolative Effect of Mike de Gruy

  “Self-knowledge comes from knowing other men.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Oft times I will awake with my soul in what could be described as a jumble. Ever use one of those old percolating coffee pots? The type which,

The Here and Now of Creativity

  There is very key thing which has literally made my career, and caused me to flourish in some pretty dangerous situations. In yet another deep Facebook conversation, this time with an old friend and colleague named Brent Schlea, we

Being Present

In my own creative process, little choice exists for me in my work.  In order to succeed, I must be present, in the right frame of mind, at a propitious moment. This requires that I listen, or “be present” in