

I  know who I am. So I recognize those traits that resemble mine, in my colleagues and friends. This creates a deep affinity with those people who I repeatedly refer to as Savants. Check the definition below. savant |saˈvänt; sə-| noun a learned person, esp. a distinguished scientist. See also idiot savant . ORIGIN early 18th cent.: French, literally ‘knowing (person),’ present participle (used as a noun) of savoir. I was pleased and honored when one of those, a certain Sean Davey, showed up at my door in Ventura, California. Sean is a Tasmanian born, Hawaii ensconsed photographer whose work


We don’t get seasons here in California in the classic sense, where each turn of the page has a huge and definite tone, as in latitudes further North or South. But in spite of a more balmy and temperate nature, we have certain aspects that Californians come to expect, each Fall. As the artist Robb Havassy and I sat with long time waterman, fisherman, and surfboard industry icon Reynolds Yater recently, I thought to ask Rennie about this Fall and whether he had ever seen anything like it? His answer? “Never” That said a lot to me. Weather is one


idealism |īˈdē(ə)ˌlizəm| noun 1 the practice of forming or pursuing ideals, esp. unrealistically : the idealism of youth. Compare with realism . • (in art or literature) the representation of things in ideal or idealized form. Often contrasted with realism (sense 2). We all judge everything and everybody. We really do. It is in our nature as independent beings which, due to our manifest destiny, were created to be able to function autonomously. My perspective on life is very Ocean Centric. It is in my DNA,  in the ancestry from which I descended, and is a part of the heritage

Ethics in Environmentalism, Citizenship and Stewardship

A new wave is breaking. There has been a lot of change afoot for me, and there were a few things I had been avoiding acting on.  Those subjects called for much research and thought. They have been on my plate repeatedly lately. In one circumstance, I had to take a close look at an environmental group which some friends had created many years ago, for the purpose of preserving beach and ocean access. The group, Surfrider Foundation, has done an amazing amount of good work, and I have assisted it by various means, since its inception in the mid

Fact of the Matter: Inconvenient Truths

I got in a lively discussion on Global Warming the other day. More specifically Anthropogenic Global Warming. It is a “given” that we humans have  the capacity to foul the Earth. It is also a given that the Earth by it’s architecture will cleanse itself. In the civilized and educated Western world we typically endeavor to keep a clean house. Look around. PZEV vehicles are standard fare in our world and have contributed to a massive decline in hydrocarbon emissions from Automobiles. That is just one example in a huge list of things Western Culture embraces as a means of

High Art

There is a friend of mine, Joe Cardella, who has coined a phrase: “Art Saves Lives” When looked at sideways you can truly understand that statement. However, approach it with logical pragmatism and you will in fact, experience NO magical transformation in your life at all. The reason for this is because the human heart establishes parameters that allow for a daily experiential flow that keeps everything in a predictable array of experience. What this does is to allow for order. It has long been said that genius borders on madness. Well, high Art endeavors to lift Man into the

Friends and Heroes

I got to have lunch with a friend of mine this week, who I follow pretty closely, but due to our busy schedules, I rarely actually get to sit down with. As he and I shared our passions, pains, frustrations, joys and aspirations over a light meal at our favorite Taqueria, I told him how inspired I was by  his knowledge and persistence in the living of his life and what to me is one of the strongest examples of selflessness I have experienced in my Community. Paul thanked me, and to my surprise told me that I was one

Perceptive Kindness

There are many ways one can approach a project and the people who will be involved. I learned early in life, that it is always best to be kind, and accord respect to people, and that frequently, the ones whose appearance may not betray it, are really the ones in charge. But beyond that, it really is just the right thing to do. Seth Godin has this to say, in his blogpost entitled: “Getting Smart About The Hierarchy of Smart” A classic example of something appearing unassuming, would be Donna Von Hoesslin’s little Ventura storefront, which goes by the name

Gaviota Muse

Robb Havassy is up visiting right now. Yesterday, I got to introduce the publisher of the culturally iconic book Surf Story, to Joe Cardella, who among a long list of artistic accomplishments, was also the creator and publisher of Art Life, a leading collectible monthly publication. Joe’s stint at the helm was twenty five years long. I smiled on the inside, as both of these amazing men, were people that Mary Osborne insisted that I meet. Mary rarely does that: insists. So, when she calls me, and then follows up, I know I had better pay attention. For over twenty

Walking Backwards

When growth really isn’t. This was inspired by a conversation with my oldest son Joshua, as he and I were looking at what defines our paths forward. “I think a life for music is a well-spent one.” -Luciano Pavoratti What I have learned, is that the  things which I embrace and implement into my life, act as filters. They color my perceptions and growth, or lack thereof. Did you know that sometimes growth is not such a great thing? I have found that often the most remarkable creative moments are happened upon by walking in place, or even backwards so


I  know who I am. So I recognize those traits that resemble mine, in my colleagues and friends. This creates a deep affinity with those people who I repeatedly refer to as Savants. Check the definition below. savant |saˈvänt; sə-|


We don’t get seasons here in California in the classic sense, where each turn of the page has a huge and definite tone, as in latitudes further North or South. But in spite of a more balmy and temperate nature,


idealism |īˈdē(ə)ˌlizəm| noun 1 the practice of forming or pursuing ideals, esp. unrealistically : the idealism of youth. Compare with realism . • (in art or literature) the representation of things in ideal or idealized form. Often contrasted with realism

Fact of the Matter: Inconvenient Truths

I got in a lively discussion on Global Warming the other day. More specifically Anthropogenic Global Warming. It is a “given” that we humans have  the capacity to foul the Earth. It is also a given that the Earth by

High Art

There is a friend of mine, Joe Cardella, who has coined a phrase: “Art Saves Lives” When looked at sideways you can truly understand that statement. However, approach it with logical pragmatism and you will in fact, experience NO magical

Friends and Heroes

I got to have lunch with a friend of mine this week, who I follow pretty closely, but due to our busy schedules, I rarely actually get to sit down with. As he and I shared our passions, pains, frustrations,

Perceptive Kindness

There are many ways one can approach a project and the people who will be involved. I learned early in life, that it is always best to be kind, and accord respect to people, and that frequently, the ones whose

Gaviota Muse

Robb Havassy is up visiting right now. Yesterday, I got to introduce the publisher of the culturally iconic book Surf Story, to Joe Cardella, who among a long list of artistic accomplishments, was also the creator and publisher of Art

Walking Backwards

When growth really isn’t. This was inspired by a conversation with my oldest son Joshua, as he and I were looking at what defines our paths forward. “I think a life for music is a well-spent one.” -Luciano Pavoratti What