COVID-19 and Psychosis

COVID-19 and Psychosis

It hit me the other day while trying to explain an aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic in the same manner I would to a 4th grader, that the intelligent and normally very well balanced friend who I was speaking with, was suffering from stress, and possibly more.

This distressing realization woke me up to the fact that I had been brought into study of the viral pandemic months ago. As a result I was months ahead in comprehension of what is possibly the most complex challenge since working on the disaster at Fukushima. I had been actually made aware of the potential for what we are experiencing last October. Study began in earnest the beginning of January. So I resolved to write a  little bit about what I am seeing and have learned, in both group and individual study. This is my first specific entry.

psychosis | sīˈkōsəs | noun (plural psychoses | -ˌsēz | ) a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. ORIGIN mid 19th century: from Greek psukhōsis animation, from psukhoō I give life to, from psukhē soul, mind.

Here is a short informational video on Siege Mentality, and Bunker Mentality, which is what I suspect to be occurring at the present hour.

Why do these aspects matter? Because perception is critically important in times of crises. It radically affects one’s neurological response and ability to make prudent, well thought out decisions in order to alleviate the threat.

With regard to the panic of the hour. Use the following linked read as a look around the room from a slightly different angle
So knowing that the current testing for COVID-19 is a PCR test which is non specific (Only tests for presence of viral RNA) and that the second diagnostic technique is via symptom, then this data:
Is garbage.
Ventura County issued a statement yesterday which has become the standard, while simultaneously saying they did not need to do a PCR test in most cases, and that symptom evidence was sufficient. In either method, PCR positive or existence of symptom, patients would be classified as having COVID-19.
The potential for error is very high.
Hanlon’s Razor?  (Never attribute to malice, that which can best be explained through stupidity)  Maybe. Maybe not. I will get to that in future.
Here is a significant POV provided by Becker. H.T. to my son Josh for this one.
Years ago, one of the better critical thinkers I have met, sat me down and explained why and how he was  “not a joiner”. Then he joined up with me. Together we shared our Art, philosophy and so much more. He passed away a few years ago. We had bumped into each other one day, and he told me that he had just been diagnosed with esophageal Cancer and outlined his Oncological treatment protocol. Seeing he was well into it, I hugged and encouraged him, knowing what the future held for the man.
A  year later we had a remission party dinner at his favorite restaurant here in Ventura. To me it was wonderful, but inside I knew what was coming. I spent time with my dear friend, my wife, and our extended family. Within the year he was dead. Driving through his old neighborhood, it still seems as if I can sense his presence. His name is Joe Cardella. The following image is one I shot for him. The sculptures are some he made of salvaged surfboards. I actually had built one of those boards. We had laughed as he carved it up.
I am telling you this for the sole reason to communicate what  matters in this life. Your spiritual and emotional health, your present breath, your next heartbeat.
My prayer is that you find peace in this time of trial. We are getting through it. From what I have seen from my own perspective, people may become quite angry when they realize what was just done here.
Joe Cardella, publisher of Art Life Magazine. Free thinker. Generous man.
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blue wolf

one day the planet JUST MIGHT CATCH-UP WITH ITS SELF??????


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