Death by 1000 Cuts: COVID-19 Disaster Scenarios

Death by 1000 Cuts: COVID-19 Disaster Scenarios


Lingchi (Chinese凌遲), translated variously as the slow process, the lingering death, or slow slicing, and also known as death by a thousand cuts, was a form of torture and execution used in China from roughly 900 CE until it was banned in 1905. It was also used in Vietnam. In this form of execution, a knife was used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death.

Lingchi was reserved for crimes viewed as especially severe, such as treason. Some Westerners were executed in this manner. Even after the practice was outlawed, the concept itself has still appeared across many types of media.

This is a difficult entry for me to write. Those who know me well will understand why.

Early on in the study of the panicdemic, before it truly became such and was merely a potential new contagion I wrote an assessment in our study group that the largest and most devastating damage would be created not by yet another viral pathogen from Asia, but that the true death and destruction would come via collapsing of US and other national economies.


I was and am correct.


I was and am wrong.


How can that be? 


I now see occurring, something that I had not believed possible. People are allowing Civil Liberties (Those rights given by God and guaranteed to be protected via Govt in the Bill of Rights) to be stripped from them by Muni, County and State governmental representatives. You see, when that happens, when a civil populace allows the stripping away of rights illegally (Much if not all of this is illegal. But that is a separate post) then in effect there can be no Civil Rights violations. You abdicated those when you assented to have your Liberty violated.

This has happened many times in History. Most notably during the rise of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany. This resulted afterwards in the Nuremberg Trials.


This Nation is at war. It is a conflict unlike any prior.


With informational control being nearly absolute, many are held in a fear centric control, where they unwittingly become part of the apparatus which is currently administering a death by 1000 Cuts.


I said it early on. Many of my colleagues have underscored this. “The virus is not what will decimate the world. It is what will come afterwards”


Now we can see what that is.


If you want to see some of what I learned early on, then watch this lengthy interview of a researcher who is not at all unlike some of the people I am surrounded by.


Consider carefully what she has to say.


There comes a time where we each will need to draw a line in the sand, and defend ourselves, families and communities. But one can only do that if one really understands what has been done to you, and the direction in which you are being leveraged.


Liberty’s Sunset


Today is “Good Friday”

Appropriate in every way.

I will meditate on that.

Aloha nui loa to you all.


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