Earth Day: 2016

Earth Day: 2016

Earth Day Skyline
Earth Day Skyline

I am not a huge fan of the entire Earth Day movement. I see it as a politically inspired facade where people masquerading as leaders, do and say stupid shit, and pretend they care about you and I and the blue marble we spin through space and time on.

As my colleague, Photographer Chris Burkhard put it in his instagram post of a stellar image shot in Alaska: “Every day is Earth Day”. I see it similarly.

The image above was a shot at the end of the day, “Earth Day” 2016. It is a single frame from a time lapse sequence. Out alone on a country road as my Samsung NX1 collected a frame every 3 seconds for a couple hours and the sun headed for it’s curtain call in the western horizon of the Ca Coastal range, I watched as jet after jet arced across the sky, up and down, some veering slightly as if to avoid a head on collision. Stitching the firmament, white trails that hung there and slowly spread out in what looked to be the stratosphere. It was quite dramatic looking.

As I stood there another camera in hand, while the TL ran, and the breeze rustled grass which would soon be turning that golden color we get around here, as moisture leaves them, I saw a tall thin man approaching. I watched as he made his way down the road towards me. An odd sight, as no one was around but me, the man whose hands and arms were bedecked with the most fascinating jewelry walked up and stopped, standing next to me at about 6 feet away. We both watched silently as the jet trails continued to be laid down. Then he quietly spoke. “Quite a chem trail show eh?”

We had an interesting conversation there, in nature. As it turned out, the man was a writer I have read. A close friend of a researcher pal of mine, and I found out later, had wandered into my wife’s shop, Betty B in Ventura awhile ago, and complimented she and her staff on their jewelry work and the shop’s vibe.

It is a small world. Easy to affect it positively if we all just come together a bit.

But that only happens when you look to see what matters. And do what is right for you, your family and your brother. The rest is all just showtime.

Here is a beautiful little video I shot last week called House of The Sky. The man in it lives close to the land. I appreciate meeting people like this. We got to spend some quiet time together, immersed in nature and art and peace. I came away from the day very aware that my mental acuity was heightened. Peace can do that. It comes from connecting to the right things. I suspect that this is why I always run to water, to nature. It is far smarter than I am, and we become similar to what we associate with.

A few other images from this week are below. All were shot on the Samsung NX1 which rests in an SPL waterhousing.






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nice work mate


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