Fact of the Matter: Inconvenient Truths

Fact of the Matter: Inconvenient Truths

Ventura Palmset
Ventura Palmset

I got in a lively discussion on Global Warming the other day. More specifically Anthropogenic Global Warming.

It is a “given” that we humans have  the capacity to foul the Earth. It is also a given that the Earth by it’s architecture will cleanse itself.

In the civilized and educated Western world we typically endeavor to keep a clean house. Look around. PZEV vehicles are standard fare in our world and have contributed to a massive decline in hydrocarbon emissions from Automobiles. That is just one example in a huge list of things Western Culture embraces as a means of keeping air, land and ocean clean.

But we have a fly in that ointment, and ironically it is the “Global Warming” environmental chant so common in media today.

What you will find is a complete lack of understanding of the role of Globalism, Trade and Commerce among the proponents of that environmental group chant, which begins with a sort of chicken little fear mongering, that gets all of the uneducated to line up for the Kool Aide that can destroy Western Culture.

Tiny Bubbles of Light
Tiny Bubbles of Light

Seth Godin has this to say about a culture which has decided to stay deliberately misinformed.

Here is “The Deal” in a  nutshell. Our culture places a huge demand on durable goods. We used to make them here in the US. As the environmental movement acquired traction here, and a punitive method of regulatory control took effect, industry went overseas in order to avoid the additional expense and hassles that increased cost and decreased bottom line.

As a result, Western based Cities and Oceans cleaned up. Third world Cities and Oceans grew much worse.

Clean Wave
Clean Wave

The world is a space ship. Everything connects via atmosphere and is in turn moderated by weather. That is how the Earth maintains control.

The affect of the “Global Warmers” is actually promotion of a willful ignorance of weather, economic law, basic human greed, and puts control of hazardous effluent and exhaust into the arena of Third World entities.

Zuri Starr just returned from a tour in China, explained how dirty the place is, and how sick she became as a result of her recent time spent there. The same people who, in what I am pretty sure is a display of abject guilt, in ascribing to groups “fighting global warming” buy most of their durable goods which are MADE in China and other places with little to no ethical manufacturing process.

The net result is a huge dumbing down of Western Culture, environment and our power to effect positive and sustainable change.

Green Girl: Donna Von Hoesslin
Green Girl: Donna Von Hoesslin

It is evil.

One Volcano can spew more into the atmosphere than decades of industrial output. That is a really inconvenient truth.

Dr Ed Brenegar pointed out this very accurate essay, which explains why evil people promote ignorance, in the Servile Mind.

So let’s be honest.

Or not.

It is a big world.  Make a difference. You matter.

I like where Elliot Minor went in their endeavor to matter, at the direction of Tyler Swain. All Along.

Kool Aide fans click here. Your people are this serious. They made this.

Death Destiny
Deaths Destiny
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Shawn Alladio

HAHAHAH.. I always get a GOOD chuckle at all the ‘beach cleanups’. Folks, do a little common sense evaluation in your guilt free beach conscious. It doesn’t do you much good to clean the beach. You have to go the source. It is inland. go clean the desert or the creeks or the urban parking lots. Pick up a piece of trash in all your daily paths, to work, school, postal office, shopping zones. That’s how you do it. By the time you hit the beach you are only getting the top fodder. Do you feel better? And yeah Puubeck the consumer in us is guilty. But to assume to guilt of eco challengers? Naw, I shuck them. My challenge back? Go to China. Go to Brazil, go to India, go to the real ground zero and make a difference with your calling. The only problem is there is no guilt payback of $ cash donations waiting in those garbage dumps, only here in America can a eco guilt build an empire on your financial contributions, and it doesn’t have the outfall beyond your beach clean ups and a guilt free conscious for another ‘pay now’ option. I love this blog post, sustainability is a word I am tired of. Its run its fan factor to shreds. How about accountability? Yeah, put it back on the individual, not on nature itself.


yup pick up that plastic bag in the parking lot vs. just walking past it. Take a bag to the beach with you every time you go, fill it up. THINK about your choices. Dumbing down and a strange combo of it’s all about me/or this isn’t my problem are what got us here/keep us here. Beach clean-ups are great and if that’s all you can do well …. But true thinking you’ve done your penance and can be absolved?

Shawn would like to add living within our means, living reciprocally to accountable. 😉

Ron Mahalo

You’re claiming that “Global Warmers” have displaced the polluting manufacturing industries to Third World locations? Do you have any idea how global capitalism operates? Can you honestly believe that the structural coupling of US and Chinese economies is due to environmentalist politics in the USA? That’s delusional stuff, and it’s evil to demonize your fellow man that way.

I’d like to school you about international finance, but first I’m going to exploit your stupidity for a while. You’re going to get some publicity as Exhibit A in the case of Self-Righteous Reactionary Beach Bum versus Planetary Economic Reality.

Don’t worry, I’ll spell your name right.


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