History, You, and Your Camera

History, You, and Your Camera

Early on in my photography career, not sure what I was doing, yet knowing I both enjoyed it and had an aptitude for it, I began shooting my own brand development images for my Surf themed company on a Minolta system. Both on land and in the water.

Larry Moore who would become my editor at Surfing took me aside and explained the significance of building a body of work over the arc of a career lifespan. He explained what a library was, and how to set a bar on my work, in order that I might become an image creator whose work would “stand the test of time”.

It would be more than a decade before I really understood what that meant. I got to thank Larry for this shortly before he passed away from brain Cancer.

In my career in content creation I have been fortunate enough to create a large amount of work that has historic significance. Some of it due to planning. Some by virtue of people generously giving me access. Some merely through diligence and persistence over a long period of time, with certain subjects I was inspired by.

My path has brought all manner of subjects in front of me which I have written about, filmed and photographed. In my library are hundreds of thousands of slides and negatives and probably around 40 terabytes of data.

My work and time in the Ocean has brought me before people and to places I would never have imagined, and my voice into a contributing role in examining large scale problems facing Humanity.

I never would have imagined any of this happening when I was studying Art, Literature and Science in school. I was only curious, and in time learned to fall in love with the subjects which mattered to me.

Here is a fantastic video of 45 Historic photographs, that is part of a series. Keep in mind that only you can see through your eyes, and feel with your heart. That may one day matter more than you would think.

Here is a brief cull of some of my work that mattered. Missing is the celebrity and news content, and a lot of the historic brand work, and a lot of other stuff. I stay hungry behind the lens.  https://vimeo.com/87308229

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