Illusion: COVID-19 Disaster Scenarios

Illusion: COVID-19 Disaster Scenarios

The following piece is taken verbatim from a conversation between one of my long time friends, Dr Ed Brenegar, who I met while working in Seth Godin’s online group Triiibes, many years ago.


Illusion: COVID-19 Disaster Scenarios


Ed and I had been discussing this recent succinct analysis by veteran Investigative Journalist Jon Rappoport titled : Covid, the Projection of a Mass Illusion. We each had found the piece precisely accurate in examining: “What really is going on here?”



“In looking around the room in recent days, I suspect that it may not be able to matter, as the largest bulk of the Pop base here in the US is woefully:

1. Ignorant

2. Brainwashed

When I first coined the term “Digital Dark Ages” it was two years ago.

Now here we are.

Yesterday I watched a family of three get out of their SUV at the beach. Each was wearing an obviously well used (unsanitary) bandana. Both parents were in their late 30’s. Child was around 7 years old. They were headed out to spend the unemployed day at a “closed beach” which was actually not really closed. (Not Ventura obviously).

Their body language was furtive and quite obviously fearful, as they had parked right next to my car, and it was me, with a medical text in hand, sweat shirt and workout shorts and sunglasses, that they were afraid of.

Or was it something else?

Something imaginary?


Dark Ages indeed.

I went for a run on the wet sand and did some study far up the beach.

Never saw them again.

And I was happy about that, actually.

That this was the case, made me pretty sad for Humanity and our Nation.” (end conversation)

Oh and about those bandanas? Fabric matrix size is visible to the naked eye, most of it. If you look closely you can make out the interstices in most being used for protection. The SARS-CV 2 virus is approx 1/1000 of that interstices, as it is approx .000000001 Meters in size. It is invisible to the eye and under most microscopes. Why it takes so many to create an infection capable of overwhelming bodily defenses that we are all born with. 


Virus Scale
Virus Scale


All but the most specific types of PPE masks (Personal Protection Equipment) won’t stop you from exposing others to any of the myriad number of viruses and bacteria which compose the subtext of our bodily biome.

Nor will they protect you from contact should any come your way.

Could you contract a virus and sufficient viral load to get a disease from being at the beach on a 75 degree day in bright sunlight in a saline environment?

Anything is possible. But not everything is probable. (Think Lottery win)


For those of you who are utilizing appropriate PPE, here is a good article on extending mask lifespan via sanitization processes.


What changed to cause this perception, and who or what is selling it?

Why? Rappoport had nailed it. 


Now my wife, when she reads this later today, will know why I am so quiet lately: I am very sad for what is to come.

The Hurt Locker is open for Business.


Here is a telling piece from the Hill


 COVID-19 Campaign Patch
COVID-19 Campaign Patch
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Julie Davis

I would like to order the patch ! It’s perfect !
Several likeminded people in Santa Barbara
also have the same view and we greatly appreciate
your insight and overview.

Jim Galloway

Love the patch. Love the discussion. Bankrupting tens of thousands of businesses, causing 100s of suicides and wide spread mental depression and disrupting kid’s education in order to save a few people in rest homes is absolute lunacy.


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