International Manifesto: A Child’s Game

International Manifesto: A Child’s Game

Marin Havassy is the 6 YO daughter of two talented artists-creatives.

Growing up in a world surrounded by art, nature, water, and an increasing immersion in Costa Rican culture, she emotionally and cognitively illustrates a point made to me by Jean-Michel Cousteau awhile ago:

“If you want to change the world, begin with a conversation regarding the welfare of our children. Everyone cares about that. This is a conversation which I really want to have with the leaders of the world”

This is a thread running through a dialog held in common we experienced, while visiting our ocean ohana this year in Portugal, Bali, and Costa Rica.

It is endemic among those of us who are First Nation members, and I see it within the context of many US communities as well. Indeed, it was quite obvious, when in NYC recently, which was targeted by those who would attack the psyche of a global culture that would connect through a common bond: love and care for our children.

I look forward to the conversation continuing, as Donna and I work on some of the ocean related programs we are seeing arise.

Everything we know as adults, will be different for our next generation.

This scares some people, and truthfully, I understand that.

But everywhere, I see hope. This image is what hope looks like to me.

The past year has been an enlightening glimpse over the far horizon.

Our children are the arrows that pass through the arc of the firmament and the framework of time. We are the ones who help loft those dreams and inspired people.

Best to pay diligent attention to that as a process.

I am exceedingly grateful to get to share some of this.

Marin Havassy. Tamarindo, Costa Rica
Marin Havassy. Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Havassy Family at home at Tamarindo, Costa Rica
Havassy Family at home at Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Donna surfing in Costa Rica. Betty Belts has had us on a global quest lately. I like what we find!
Donna surfing in Costa Rica. Betty Belts has had us on a global quest lately. I like what we find!

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