Messenger Arc

Messenger Arc


It was foretold in the beginning, that the day would come.  In those early times, Man lived in harmony with all that surrounded him. His days were long in the Earth, and he had Communion with every thing. His Creator enveloped  him in a joy and order, that brought great resonance of heart with all that was.

Soul to soul to Spirit, such was the nature of order in those times.

Prophecy is a strangely wonderful thing. In the expounding, there is always something of significance to be learned. It will draw the heart of man back to a place of comfort and confidence.

But there are always other choices to be made. We really get to choose, what it is that we will follow,  believe, expound and embrace as our truth.

The Messengers  were called back first.


It was at the end of those days and in a time, when  Men would call evil, good, and  in so doing, brought the world to a place of great peril. Hearts darkened, they drank of the cup of death, for soul and planet, and knew not the Truth nor recognized it as any source of order.

Hard to imagine, now, what that must have been like, as we walk in this beautiful, perfect, blue and green laced globe, where Love reins, and all, as in an arc, is so similar to that time of genesis.

Her name is Neosanctum now, and she is again, refuge to all that is sacred, and in great harmony. Mother of all life.  And once more, there is joy in the Coastlines and Islands.



                                                Baruch malakhi Adonai.


I am just back from a week of creative work in Northern California. This piece is a tiny slice of what was created. My fiance, Donna Von Hoesslin flew up to meet me and do some work,  as did Photographer Larry Beard of Solitary Exposure, our new Art agency, where you can see and purchase works like these illustrated above.

The Solitary Exposure Collection is linked here.

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