Steven Kirch’s investigative work in this newsletter piece rings clear as a bell. Perfectly healthy young people dying in very close proximity to their CV inoculation dates, all with symptoms which point squarely at the Pharmaceutical MFGS who have zero liability. Who would consent to this if they were properly informed?

Here is Dr David Martin speaking on: “The COVID Plandemic Treasonous Acts”
Dr Peter McCullough in a stunning lecture on Vaccine Efficacy, Effects and Early Treatment
Dr Zelenko on the vaccine program as premeditated murder
If one were to take the time to read through and view all of the resources on this page, and to consider the experience and expertise each man brings as they fight to inform the Public, consider that this job should have been done by the FDA, CDC, and NIAH in order to create “informed consent”. Although some of the information was published by them at one point, it was soon covered up by the agencies themselves, and by media outlets who had been captured by political operatives and/or pharmaceutical Advertising contracts.
All of these brave men have been threatened, censored, and had long and venerable careers attacked, by people and entities, who have engaged the most comprehensive seige of Public Health and Safety that the world has ever experienced.
I said from the beginning of this mess, this plandemic-panicdemic, that funding and money would drive it, and that we would see the damage arrive in three waves.
This post covers one aspect of the Second Wave: system generated mortality.
The Third Wave: Economic Collapse, is already rolling through.
Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
The life you safe may be your own.
Wow I am on the exact same page as you David and am familiar with all the professionals in your blog who have stood up against this tyranny and misinformation. I have a small group of “friends” most of who have bought into all the panic and fear hook line and sinker. I keep trying to spread information other than what they receive from the major media outlets. Below is something I recently wrote. Haven’t sent it out yet. Jeff and I have been excluded from many events because we are”unvaccinated” and I have natural immunity because I have had COVID. Crazy times. I discontinued all my social media accounts because I could not tolerate the sulfuric misinformation that is thrown up at us.
Researchers warn that cold weather can cause blood clots and heart attacks.
Physicians warn up to 300,000 people in the United Kingdom are facing heart related-illnesses due to post pandemic stress disorder.
The news above is a desperate lie from a desperate class of government bowing physicians desperate to shift the blame on the cardiac side effects of the vaccines to something else. Surprise, surprise.
The truths regarding the side effects of these vaccines are gaining acceptance and it is becoming more and more evident that the mRNA therapeutics are more detrimental than helpful to a huge portion of the population, especially the young, middle-aged and healthy. Really, any age that is healthy in my opinion.
Germany vaccinated 70% of everyone against SARS-CoV-2, and the press spent September wondering if it was finally time to declare victory over COVID-19. Now, the very thing that anonymous crazy Twitter accounts predicted, is coming to pass: A lot of people are getting sick and ending up in the hospital again and it is in the “vaccinated” as well as those “others”. This same scenario is unfolding in many countries, including the USA.
There is a point where one cannot plead incompetence any longer, a line across which one becomes deliberately pernicious and predatory and seeks to lie to save their own hide at the expense of others. This is where we are. The governments can’t admit the “vaccines” are only partially doing what they promised to do…95% efficacious. Well yes for 2 months maybe. Yet since they can’t admit that, they are just promoting more. Get your booster, despite that the WHO does not recommend it, and Fauci says we don’t know yet but let’s wait and see what happens after you get it.. Hmmm.
Joe Biden demonizing the unvaccinated stating that we need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated even though we know now with certainty that the vaccinated spread the virus just as much or more than the pariah, ‘unvaccinated’, and the CDC is not even remotely recognizing natural COVID infection-related immunity.
And our government is now promoting the mRNA therapeutics in ages 5 years and up, criminal in my opinion. No other country has stooped to this level of demonic destruction of children. Haven’t we already done enough damage to the children who will someday be the adults of this country? Deaths and illness from COVID in children are incredibly rare. ‘Insert any condition/accident, including a strike of lightning’ in children and it is greater than a COVID fatality. And as in adults, COVID primarily occurs in at-risk children. And we know now too that children do not spread it to Grandma and Grandpa.
How could they especially now, since 90% of Grandmas and Grandpas are “vaccinated” with the “vaccine” that was touted to be 95% efficacious?
Say the children of the world, “let us be children”.
And our government, at the helm and advice of the science is, ‘Anthony Fauci’ who is “science” so he proclaims. This really is a sad, sad state of tyranny and what I would call not only lack of science, but lack of common sense.
The virus will virus and we will all eventually get it and the vast, vast majority of us will survive, like we have survived from the many respiratory viruses we have always and forever been living with. This is a virus and as I have said before, it is somewhat bad, but on average the mortality rate across all age groups is less than 1%.
Get outdoors, make sure your Vit D levels are above normal, eat well, exercise, vitamin C and Bs, especially B12, zinc, to get the vitamin D into your cells, and stay away from and ignore those who follow the ‘guidance’ of anything Fauci or any government entity promotes.
And if you get COVID whatever you do, do not let anyone admit you to the hospital. They will treat you with Remdesivir (which DOES NOT work) and if you are lucky, the government might have allocated monoclonal antibodies to the hospital you are admitted to. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to get any other treatment, ie, Ivermection and the entire other slew of treatments that have been successfully used to treat COVID. You though might be able to get treatment if you hire a lawyer. Is that not unbelievable!!!!
I am tired of the adage of 750,000 people have died from COVID. Yes and many, many, many of them could have been saved if physicians who advocated early treatment protocols were not censored and if many states had not sent elderly COVID positive patients back into extended care and senior living facilities…to die..yes many lives could have been saved.
Bangladesh has half the population of the United States. They administer Ivermectin like vitamins. The number of deaths due to COVID is 30,000. Twenty-some percent of the population is vaccinated. You know the population of the US, with ~60% of the population fully vaccinated and 750,000 deaths. Let that sink in!
We have to sow doubt among true believers and ridicule the official line at every opportunity. There is no interest in public health going on…really
I will not comply.
I said this early on, and keep in kind that I was an advisor to the State on workplace safety and pollution control rule development for about 10 years.
“This is the worst attack on Public Health and Safety in History”
Such a dramatic example of regulatory system capture by the Pharmaceutical industry. Add in the fiscal blackmail component in the usage of CV testing and treatment protocols and their effects on Business and the Healthcare system itself, and this truly exemplifies what a crime against Humanity can elevate itself to, in terms of broad scale damage creation.
Thank you so much for your care and consideration in writing what you have!
They unleashed a Hell to build their new world.
It is an ugly thing, a terrible act and a stain on history
I keep being reminded of a Scripture verse as I watch all of this come down on Humanity Shawn. “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the time of the return of the Son of Man”
Evil has its own reward and that is what we witness today. The ebb and flow of evil choices and the calling of those as being “good”.
Thank you for giving this a read!