

I typically dislike Bible based films for a large number of professional reasons (as a Cinematographer). So it was with rather low expectations that I sat in on a screening early this morning. This is possibly one of the best crafted motion pictures I have seen in awhile. It portrays a well known storyline, in a manner which is both relative to and believable by culture today. Every Department performed with near flawless precision and Senatore’s work as Cinematographer was just the right amount of stunning without overwhelming the storyline with hero shots. I was inspired on many levels.

Here is renowned editor Steven Mirkovich speaking on the film, which was shot in 2.35:1 format on the Arri Alexa system.

Here is the Risen IMDB page. The film was shot in Spain and Malta

I somehow doubt we will see much if any in the way of Academy nominations for this film. For that reason alone, I suggest that you take advantage of the opportunity to see this exemplary piece of work while it is in theaters.

Now as for my non Cinematographic review.

If you are perplexed by religion and the religious: See the film.
If you want to see career performances: See the film.
If you want to have the bizarre nature of the story of Christianity explained in an understandable manner: See the film
If you hate Christians: See the film
If you love Christians: See the film
If you want to experience a wide range of emotions: See the film
If you are a curious person by nature: See the film

As I was headed downtown here to see this, my Director on our current film, Lorenzo De Stefano rang me about some screenings related to Hearing is Believing, our feature documentary on Rachel Flowers which releases later this year.

I rang him back, as I walked up California Street to my car, while in thought about what Sony had invested in.

“Hey Lorenzo. See the film”

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