Sea-Space Summit DC 2013

Sea-Space Summit DC 2013


I head to DC on Monday with Dr. Andrea Neal to participate in the Sea-Space Initiative Summit, which is headed up by Guillermo Söhnlein of Opus Novum.

Our intention is to get a look at the ongoing crisis in Japan, and examine some of the socio-political architecture which led to the catastrophic failure event at the six reactor Fukushima-Daichi Power Plant.  It is a disaster of massive scale. However, in that lies a great opportunity to create some fantastic change.

The last Summit was at Google, and this was what we did (among other things). I was in Dr. Lu’s study group. Ed identifies an issue and develops a plan that literally could save Earth. Then he implements it. (Doing is everything) Want to save something, I mean, really truly help? Donate to this.

Since that time, our group (Blue Ocean Sciences LLC and Ocean Lovers) has been created and have developed a means of detecting and removing nuclear contaminants (aka persistent inorganic pollutants) from the water column. In fact, the system is able to remove a large variety  of water borne contaminants. (Our Teams and  Boards in both entities are highest bar)

We have solutions at our fingertips. Will we be able to implement them as a collective, to benefit mankind?


In a note to George Orbelian, one of the Ocean Lover Advisory Board members, regarding the upcoming Summit, I received an educated response and proposal for resolution. I have simply pasted the correspondence below.


Dear David,


Looks like a great group.


I think that it is time for less talking – and more doing.


We should have a 3D model of the planet earth and the universe – Google has it – Ojingo could add it to the Hasbro my3D concept and port it to smart-phones and social networks.


We put voyage tracker – the same stuff we got a Google Earth Hero award for – on everybody’s smart phone for free.


Everyone / Anywhere can send in what they see – we see all the earth in real time and can have scientists confirm the spots that need attention.


All the educational, scientific and business efforts are linked to this global network so that issues can be identified, solutions designed and implemented.


The ultimate reality show – our planet / real time / right now / real issues.


SURVIVOR – but this time it is for real – and for the children of the future.


We need to pull back the curtain of ignorance that is keeping people in the dark. We need to start implementing existing solutions now.


Apply this quote to the conference – and you’ll have something.


Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought. A theory however elegant and economical must be rejected or revised if it is untrue;

likewise laws and institutions no matter how efficient and well-arranged, must be reformed or abolished if they are unjust.

Each person possesses an inviolability founded on justice, that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override. For this reason justice denies that the loss of freedom for some is made right by a greater good shared by others.

It does not allow that the sacrifices imposed on a few are outweighed by the larger sum of advantages enjoyed by many. Therefore in a just society the liberties of equal citizenship are taken as settled;

the rights secured by justice are not subject to political bargaining or to the calculus of social interests. The only thing that permits us to acquiesce in an erroneous theory, is the lack of a better one;

analogously, an injustice is tolerable only when it is necessary to avoid an even greater injustice.

Being first virtues of human activities, truth and justice are uncompromising.



Think what we would have if we wired all of our best institutions, libraries, laboratories and minds together – we have the technology to get the entire planet collaborating and working together today.






Many of us have a sense of direction in the determination of the future of the  earth via the Sea-Space connection. Being the son of a man who spent a lifetime as a Hawaiian waterman, as well as having a lifelong career in Aerospace, designing in most of our Space programs, I grew up with this connection between Sea and Space.

Not that I myself matter all that much, being one tiny cog in a massive collective of incredibly brilliant, connected, scientists, researchers and social change architects, but my life has been led in the Sea. Within my time-spatial reference is a deep understanding regarding the Ocean by virtue of the massive number of hours, days months and years I have spent in and on it in all parts of this blue marble.

So that is why I am going. To be that voice in the room.

George and I refer to Buckminster Fuller and the value of understanding Earth architecture a lot amongst ourselves.  This is well worth the watch, a 20 minute film which could help frame a new world view for us all.


We must come to the understanding that there is an exceptionally high value to be recognized in Human Virtue, and as a global society we have a key choice before us in this age, whereby we may select the option of being the source of solution, or in a veering away from the benefit of human virtue: the agents of negative change.



Let us choose, with knowledge, wisdom and compassion as our filters.  A beautiful future may rest in us.


Aloha nui loa.



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