There are points in every person’s career where the opportunity presents itself to do bar setting work that matters.
It may only come around once, that opportunity. But for some artists, it seems to happen over and over and over again. I study those that exhibit this proclivity.
This is what I have learned.
Each one of those bright lights spends all their time not being the “star in the room” of the arena of their expertise. They are generally silent, in the corner, watching and listening. To everything. And they sort it all out. At the appropriate time, which may only be seen by them, they pounce.
Into their leap, as a beast ravaging prey, they pour all their presence, vision, passion, all their love, all of their strength and yes all of their skills, into building a work that stands above all others.
And this is why.
Because it is the right thing to do.
This is a pretty classic example. The song is by Johnny Cash. Yea, he is one of “those”.
The production backstory on this piece.
What will you do when your turn comes?