
Sacred Craft 2010: A Cultural Backmarker

This morning I woke up from a nightmare-dream at 3:30 am. In the dream I was glossing boards, and had lost the hot batch of finishing resin. I found it in the nick of time, and was just completing the last board as it went off. I even had the acrid smell of an over catalyzed hot batch in my nostrils as I hopped out of bed and felt my feet hit cool wood floor in the blackness. Yeesh, surfboard subliminals. I built surfboards for about 20 years. They have been on my mind a lot lately, obviously. What makes

Situational Ethics Anyone?

I received a note from a  colleague the other day. Sean Davey was asking me to weigh in on a photographer’s forum in Oz called Photographers United. The subject was poaching, which is shooting another photographer’s subjects while they are in the midst of building  images mid shoot. I had a bit to say, and Sean had gotten me thinking about a few things in an exchange of e mails. I have an abiding respect and admiration for some of my colleagues. They understand the bar of ethics involved in building a career and interestingly enough, it is their work


Sacred Craft 2010: A Cultural Backmarker

This morning I woke up from a nightmare-dream at 3:30 am. In the dream I was glossing boards, and had lost the hot batch of finishing resin. I found it in the nick of time, and was just completing the

Situational Ethics Anyone?

I received a note from a  colleague the other day. Sean Davey was asking me to weigh in on a photographer’s forum in Oz called Photographers United. The subject was poaching, which is shooting another photographer’s subjects while they are