
Red White and You

Amongst my friends and colleagues, who I see as being people of sound, educated mind, and of exceptional intelligence and compassion, I have observed something. They appear to be stuck. Why is it, that some people prefer to confer the authority and tenets of Leadership, on Politicians? The reason I find this perplexing is due to a recurrent result that is obvious. By repetitively supporting a Red or Blue, Left and Right divisive philosophy, they have jettisoned their own power as individuals, who are for the most part,  in possession of  greater intelligence and connectedness,  than those leading the factions.

Hope and Change

While both the Democratic and Republican camps spend an incomprehensible amount of money, the country suffers as a result of their awful mismanagement and extremely deep corruption. Several years ago, I began to notice, as I returned from travel around the world, and would fly into LAX, that it was beginning to feel increasingly more like a Third World Nation, here in the US. I am not saying that I was not grateful to be home. I always am, and thank the Customs Officers as they welcome me back. Some of them have been at their post for as long

Letter to a Friend

Sometimes waking moments are comprised of a tap on the shoulder regarding someone I care about. The note below, is as a result of one of those mornings. The person I sent it to, is someone who I respect as a visionary human being. The images here, are what occurred when the ocean reined over first consciousness, and I rose to meet it. “Found myself thinking about you today. Just a note to say hi, and that I hope everything is going well, where ever you are, when this finds you. Been dealing with incredibly smart and compassionate human beings

The Beauty of Story

I stepped out of a marriage of over 22 years into an odd situation at the age of 44. Having been married for most of my adult life, and walked a less than conventional path, the roadmap of memories and tales was rather, um, let’s say: convoluted. I had done a lot of things which when examined from our cultural perception of “normal”, were far from any definition of the term. That, surfaced immediately, when I began to ply the dating seas. I learned early on that it was best to not really talk about what I had done in

Significant Presence

In my morning rush to ply the pixel seas today, I ran across a notable piece of reading from Seth Godin. It gave me pause, as I looked at the laundry list of crazily diverse imagery in front of me. He writes about “Hard Work on the Right Things“. I highly recommend it, for a number of reasons. Principle one being, that the world at large, will endeavor to convince an Artist, that they have chosen poorly, and what is produced, will never be of any real significance. It does that with good cause and to appropriate affect: to weed

Going Deeper

My colleague and friend, Dr Andrea Neal, of Blue Ocean Sciences, sent me this very cool piece on Tom’s Shoes (who I really admire) today. It is very in theme for this blog series. Many of us are looking at ethics and architecture these days. It is essential if one really wants to make an accurate difference. In surfing, being accurate is 90 percent of the battle in being competent and thriving. (I frequently relate everything back to the oceans) To be there and successful in surfing you need to know the Architecture of the Earth and have skill. If

Pick a Lane

  In life and in our Western Cultural assessment of what will inevitably amount to a rather short term existence on this blue ball, we are constantly encouraged by the status quo, to “pick a lane” for ourselves. Or at least, this was the method employed till this latest socio-economic meltdown. The concept was to attend school, move in to a field that would best suit our fiscal goals, and supply the road to our own future happiness. Each day, you were to  arrive at that job, and park right between the lines. Never vary that. Or face severe retribution

Be the Enlightened

This morning as I prepared for the workday, it was all hustle and bustle in my home. Wrestling with twenty pound cats, charging camera batteries. Organizing my gear for a shoot. Scanning weather data.  Reading a Chapter of Michael Kew’s new book, “Crossings”, and perusing Facebook a bit. Adding a few posts, while monitoring my tone, as best as I am able. I was surprised to see the face of a rather chubby and notorious “pundit” on the walls of many of my “liberal progressive friends”. These are people who normally would never allow themselves to be in the same

Truth Glows

Big difference between the darkness of a Lie and brightness of Truth. Seth Godin absolutely nails the job description of the Creative, in this blogpost he titles Transparent or Translucent. Below is a fascinating story taken from an internet hoax of sorts where someone twisted the TRUTH and did it to their own benefit. My Colleague and friend, Shawn Alladio injected some light into it. This is the true story! Glowing.   CELEBRATED AS OUR AMERICAN HERO Petty Officer Second Class (SEAL) Michael Anthony Monsoor April 5, 1981 – Sept. 29, 2006 Petty Officer Second Class Michael Anthony Monsoor was

Canary in a Coal Mine: An Environmental Manifesto

  Etymology An allusion to caged canaries mining workers would carry down into the tunnels with them. If dangerous gases such as methane or carbon monoxide leaked into the mine-shaft, the gases would kill the canary before killing the miners.  Noun canary in a coal mine A warning of danger or trouble yet to come.  Synonyms miner’s canary   (Source: Wictionary) I have long been aware of the role of the Ocean in the Ecosystem, that is the environmental engine of Spaceship Earth, and realized my Tribe was a canary in the coal mine of industrial development, by virtue of being


Red White and You

Amongst my friends and colleagues, who I see as being people of sound, educated mind, and of exceptional intelligence and compassion, I have observed something. They appear to be stuck. Why is it, that some people prefer to confer the

Hope and Change

While both the Democratic and Republican camps spend an incomprehensible amount of money, the country suffers as a result of their awful mismanagement and extremely deep corruption. Several years ago, I began to notice, as I returned from travel around

Letter to a Friend

Sometimes waking moments are comprised of a tap on the shoulder regarding someone I care about. The note below, is as a result of one of those mornings. The person I sent it to, is someone who I respect as

The Beauty of Story

I stepped out of a marriage of over 22 years into an odd situation at the age of 44. Having been married for most of my adult life, and walked a less than conventional path, the roadmap of memories and

Significant Presence

In my morning rush to ply the pixel seas today, I ran across a notable piece of reading from Seth Godin. It gave me pause, as I looked at the laundry list of crazily diverse imagery in front of me.

Going Deeper

My colleague and friend, Dr Andrea Neal, of Blue Ocean Sciences, sent me this very cool piece on Tom’s Shoes (who I really admire) today. It is very in theme for this blog series. Many of us are looking at

Pick a Lane

  In life and in our Western Cultural assessment of what will inevitably amount to a rather short term existence on this blue ball, we are constantly encouraged by the status quo, to “pick a lane” for ourselves. Or at

Be the Enlightened

This morning as I prepared for the workday, it was all hustle and bustle in my home. Wrestling with twenty pound cats, charging camera batteries. Organizing my gear for a shoot. Scanning weather data.  Reading a Chapter of Michael Kew’s

Truth Glows

Big difference between the darkness of a Lie and brightness of Truth. Seth Godin absolutely nails the job description of the Creative, in this blogpost he titles Transparent or Translucent. Below is a fascinating story taken from an internet hoax

Canary in a Coal Mine: An Environmental Manifesto

  Etymology An allusion to caged canaries mining workers would carry down into the tunnels with them. If dangerous gases such as methane or carbon monoxide leaked into the mine-shaft, the gases would kill the canary before killing the miners.