
Love and Trustedness

Maybe it is the full moon which hangs sagging slowly through a clear western sky which has me awake at 3am working. But I suspect that it may be something else. It always cracks me up, when as I am sorting through the variety of large and complex projects which are the melange of companies I get to help shepherd, that a blog invariably pops in from Seth Godin. This one, (as usual) was exactly about what I am working on today. Creating trust. He titles it: Belief is More Powerful Than Truth. I am a strong believer in Strategic

Messy and Beautiful

I frequently note that Life (that precarious process which we see daily around us) is both messy and beautiful. In my work this is illustrated to me regularly. Seth Godin writes beautifully on that today, in a blogpost entitled Our Crystal Palace. Julie Borowski hilariously points out the ridiculousness of the TSA in a very similar vein when she is molested by them and makes a beautiful statement about something very horribly messy. In our tendency to want to get through the messy, we somehow lose sight of the beautiful, and quite frequently pass on the possibility to effect some

In Motion

One of the more dramatic motion segments I have experienced was in the course of shooting motion picture for a film project centered on Hawaii. The stills image above is a quick grab done as  Tyler Swain., Rob Dafoe and I worked 3 camera positions at Anahuli Bay, Hawaii. I think that we all got chicken skin in the course of this days long shoot, repeatedly. We were cognizant of being able to witness something bigger than some people from the Waikaloa Halau performing. Shooting motion and understanding the nuances is really quite complex.  At least it is, if you

Sea-Space Summit DC 2013

I head to DC on Monday with Dr. Andrea Neal to participate in the Sea-Space Initiative Summit, which is headed up by Guillermo Söhnlein of Opus Novum. Our intention is to get a look at the ongoing crisis in Japan, and examine some of the socio-political architecture which led to the catastrophic failure event at the six reactor Fukushima-Daichi Power Plant.  It is a disaster of massive scale. However, in that lies a great opportunity to create some fantastic change. The last Summit was at Google, and this was what we did (among other things). I was in Dr. Lu’s


In Nature, Mankind can see a remarkable intelligence exhibited within the context of  the architecture of systems themselves. The reality is, that if we really want to see a land thrive, the best way to assist is to recognize the role of the individual. Each has a part, and purpose, that if respected and watered, will enable the system to function with remarkable vigor. It is why many of us believe and live the tenet that “everyone matters”.  Because they do. Not in an identical manner, quite the contrary. They make a difference by us allowing for their diversity. One

Red White and You

Amongst my friends and colleagues, who I see as being people of sound, educated mind, and of exceptional intelligence and compassion, I have observed something. They appear to be stuck. Why is it, that some people prefer to confer the authority and tenets of Leadership, on Politicians? The reason I find this perplexing is due to a recurrent result that is obvious. By repetitively supporting a Red or Blue, Left and Right divisive philosophy, they have jettisoned their own power as individuals, who are for the most part,  in possession of  greater intelligence and connectedness,  than those leading the factions.

Going Deeper

My colleague and friend, Dr Andrea Neal, of Blue Ocean Sciences, sent me this very cool piece on Tom’s Shoes (who I really admire) today. It is very in theme for this blog series. Many of us are looking at ethics and architecture these days. It is essential if one really wants to make an accurate difference. In surfing, being accurate is 90 percent of the battle in being competent and thriving. (I frequently relate everything back to the oceans) To be there and successful in surfing you need to know the Architecture of the Earth and have skill. If

Be the Enlightened

This morning as I prepared for the workday, it was all hustle and bustle in my home. Wrestling with twenty pound cats, charging camera batteries. Organizing my gear for a shoot. Scanning weather data.  Reading a Chapter of Michael Kew’s new book, “Crossings”, and perusing Facebook a bit. Adding a few posts, while monitoring my tone, as best as I am able. I was surprised to see the face of a rather chubby and notorious “pundit” on the walls of many of my “liberal progressive friends”. These are people who normally would never allow themselves to be in the same

Truth Glows

Big difference between the darkness of a Lie and brightness of Truth. Seth Godin absolutely nails the job description of the Creative, in this blogpost he titles Transparent or Translucent. Below is a fascinating story taken from an internet hoax of sorts where someone twisted the TRUTH and did it to their own benefit. My Colleague and friend, Shawn Alladio injected some light into it. This is the true story! Glowing.   CELEBRATED AS OUR AMERICAN HERO Petty Officer Second Class (SEAL) Michael Anthony Monsoor April 5, 1981 – Sept. 29, 2006 Petty Officer Second Class Michael Anthony Monsoor was

Pursuing Happy

One of the things that always strikes me about Bali and the Balinese is the degree of happiness which exists. Some may say that being happy is a choice. Well it is, sort of. But not the type of selection one may suspect. Happiness is in the choices open to you as an individual and member of a Community, and in the case of a Citizen of the US, the pursuit of it, is a National Guarantee. Here is a fantastic read on Happiness, by Dr William B Stewart. Take close note of what he says about the US Bill


Love and Trustedness

Maybe it is the full moon which hangs sagging slowly through a clear western sky which has me awake at 3am working. But I suspect that it may be something else. It always cracks me up, when as I am

Messy and Beautiful

I frequently note that Life (that precarious process which we see daily around us) is both messy and beautiful. In my work this is illustrated to me regularly. Seth Godin writes beautifully on that today, in a blogpost entitled Our

In Motion

One of the more dramatic motion segments I have experienced was in the course of shooting motion picture for a film project centered on Hawaii. The stills image above is a quick grab done as  Tyler Swain., Rob Dafoe and

Sea-Space Summit DC 2013

I head to DC on Monday with Dr. Andrea Neal to participate in the Sea-Space Initiative Summit, which is headed up by Guillermo Söhnlein of Opus Novum. Our intention is to get a look at the ongoing crisis in Japan, and


In Nature, Mankind can see a remarkable intelligence exhibited within the context of  the architecture of systems themselves. The reality is, that if we really want to see a land thrive, the best way to assist is to recognize the

Red White and You

Amongst my friends and colleagues, who I see as being people of sound, educated mind, and of exceptional intelligence and compassion, I have observed something. They appear to be stuck. Why is it, that some people prefer to confer the

Going Deeper

My colleague and friend, Dr Andrea Neal, of Blue Ocean Sciences, sent me this very cool piece on Tom’s Shoes (who I really admire) today. It is very in theme for this blog series. Many of us are looking at

Be the Enlightened

This morning as I prepared for the workday, it was all hustle and bustle in my home. Wrestling with twenty pound cats, charging camera batteries. Organizing my gear for a shoot. Scanning weather data.  Reading a Chapter of Michael Kew’s

Truth Glows

Big difference between the darkness of a Lie and brightness of Truth. Seth Godin absolutely nails the job description of the Creative, in this blogpost he titles Transparent or Translucent. Below is a fascinating story taken from an internet hoax

Pursuing Happy

One of the things that always strikes me about Bali and the Balinese is the degree of happiness which exists. Some may say that being happy is a choice. Well it is, sort of. But not the type of selection