

Well, it is Thanksgiving morning, and yep, the surf is flat here today in Ventura, Ca. USA. But not for long.

This is an interesting piece by Jon Rappoport about some of what is going on at the Hawaiian State level in a Federal Judge overturning County based actions against some of the polluters damaging the watersheds, reefs and more. Take a close look at the names he lists.
Unfortunately, this is another damned I told you so moment. But it is Hawaii, so hopefully those folks will just do what Hawaiians do. There are the socially stabilizing affects surrounding the jobs, however, yet a job which devastates, is also going to have a seriously negative affect on even the proponents of the issues listed in my little Thanksgiving note here.Keep in mind that Hinkley was never cleaned up, and the amount of corruption there still affects righting what never should have occurred in the first place.
All of this reeks of the same processes being used in our ongoing nuclear power generation plant issues which are equally pervasive, with some, most notably Fukushima, Diablo and Hanford, doing long term damage in the degrading of food and water security, and health of our young, who are affected most of all by things such as these big ones, listed above.
So as you give thanks today, many gathered around a table with family,  maybe have a look around at what really matters. Be grateful, blessed, and recognize that a conversation is ongoing in the Nation, as it is in other parts of the World, which could lead to some of this mess being not just exposed, but really put to bed, permanently.
We ought to get this right, and you who are getting this Thanksgiving note that I sent out to my close friends early today, I am especially grateful for you all.  Because those living a circumspect life, connected to our blue marble, and being  stewards of all that passes before you, are a source of hope and sanity, in a world that quite frankly, strikes me as being batshit crazy at times.
May today offer you and yours, renewed strength and hope, and a beautiful vision for tomorrow.
               Aloha nui loa!
Writer-Editor Drew Kampion sends out weekly mailings. This is a good one for Thanksgiving.
Writer-Editor Drew Kampion sends out weekly mailings. This is a good one for Thanksgiving.

From the mountains to the sea, where we live matters just as much as how we live.
From the mountains to the sea, where we live matters just as much as how we live.
What healthy and happy look like on a surf date with my wife this week here at home
What healthy and happy look like on a surf date with my wife this week here at home
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