All of us as creatives, are storytellers.
That is worth something.
So the integrity, skill and life experience of a creator, matters very much.
We function within a socio-economic system that is quite leery of the increasingly open source access to “their market”.
In a conversation with two sage colleagues in Photography today, I had to point out something. Basically it was this.
Just because surf publishing has deigned to not let you play, does not mean your voice is not valid. In fact, it is the opposite. Established fiscal entities do not necessarily WANT the broad market to know of you. Because then the market will look at you, and being fear based, that bothers many surviving publishers, whose park between the lines mentality is enforced each day by Corporate rule.
We laughingly refer to this mentality today as the “Race to the Bottom”. Seth Godin nails it here.
This may not be in anyone’s best interests. I am going to illustrate in a couple quick stories.
I met Ed Lu at Opus Novum’s Sea-Space Initiative Summit at Google last year. Ed is a water guy. He is also a Scientist and Astronaut. He had a question. So did many of the amazingly talented people there. The question was one of funding. At the end of the two day series of derivative workshops, we all sat in a circle. Three people sought answers to traction based funding questions. Absolutely the least educationally qualified in the room, the answer to their dilemma was crystal clear to me. In short, this is what I said.
“I know how you guys can solve this. The answer is you. No one knows who you are. You operate in agencies anonymously. You all simply need to tell your story”
Here is Dr. Ed Lu, telling his story. I am a huge fan of Ed and his work. Indeed, of everyone who cares, and is good at what they do. We all should be!
Here is Tom Waits telling a story in Hell Broke Luce. I will leave it to you to discover the grace which exists within his Art. STORY. It is an excellent example of collaboration in the Arts.
At Ocean Lovers, our new collaborative organization, a vital aspect is to get the story tellers together, all those which create. Our intention is to give them traction in our Socio-Economic system, and do it culturally. In so doing we affect culture and perception with a Philosophically accurate, Science based message that promotes community via Social and Economic sustainability.
This could work.
Tell your story.