The Third Wave. COVID-19 Reality Scenarios

The Third Wave. COVID-19 Reality Scenarios

The Third wave is sometimes thought to be the biggest, and most powerful of the set, as it sweeps to shore.



Initially, this post was to be on the viral pathogen and contagion, in examining our  chain of events, in what will become known as the COVID-19 Disaster. I decided to not look at that today, because it has become irrelevant.
Some of you reading this will be angry when seeing that term: “Irrelevant”.
Bear with me, as I am not trying to tick people off, at least not in the way one might think.
I come from a  lineage of way finders, and have long suspected that our genetics are more than physical DNA.  As we connect to our kapuna, one may acquire an informational resource that is part of a flow which is unapparent, but there, none the less, within the continuum of time and dimension based reality.
That is likely to be why my Father could just look at a challenge in tech and see all of the facets, and through the lens of his training in engineering, solve some complex challenges in many high level and historic Govt based projects.
It is the same technique I utilize. Works most of the time. But the interpretation and communication of the solutions must be done with precision. That is where any of us can be the weak link.
As the group I was called into, studied the “Pandemic” we quickly realized that the central challenge holding the greatest damage potential would likely be in the reverberation of the third wave of this onslaught. This third wave will be economic. No one in the lineup will be left untouched by this. So as any reasonable surfer would, you train body, soul and spirit to meet that wave, so that you not only survive, but maybe (if you are built that way) actually get some satisfaction-reward out of the experience.
Strange to ponder, but as a species we learn and develop via trial. Typically how we do this initiates with the individual.
This time is different. 
Many, if not most of the Nations of the World, will have the challenge of this Third Wave.
Maybe we have seen this before, during the Great Depression, or WW2. I am not sure. But it is going to be unlike anything most of you will have experienced in a lifetime. And we need to focus forward, after understanding what the upstream threat really is.
These linked pieces sort of give a perspective of the path which lies just out of sight for most people.
As individuals surrounded by other individuals (and I chose that word carefully) we comprise a community. This community will only be as strong as that individual who stands next to us.
Now is the time to  prepare hearts for trial and to support each other.
Recognize that you may need to be your own safety net, and that of your brother, and get ready for the wave.
We can ride this.
Politician’s Promise
A quote from the book series Dune
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