I often wonder what goes through the mind of some people who, intent on winning, never consider that, in the pursuit and application of the process of the win, they are working to insure a contract be executed on their existence.
I cannot recall how many times I have endeavored to explain symbiosis versus parasitism to some low talent underling, who is convinced that I should spend everything that I have to support their vision. It seems that they all came out from under their respective rocks this week.
“Pay, oh we don’t pay anything for other people’s work”. (Think about a City Manager getting paid 200K a year who wants citizens (artists,musicians) to ante up for, well, whatever…….)
Note to underling: “How is that dead end entity, which is based on free content working out with your advertisers and supporters, hmm?” Sooner or later your subsidized job, in your tax foil organization, will end, and you will be gainfully unemployed.
The race to the bottom, frequently is overlooked by the footsoldiers in the lead.
I saw that this week in my home town. Politics are very similar to the publishing business. Fortunately, both are metered by both readers and the public, ultimately.
Any intelligent investor knows this:
Ethics matter.
All con men will try to convince you that the opposite of what you know, is true. They can be so convincing that frequently I have seen them believe their own line of compelling manipulation. It is what keeps them moving forward. They believe.
In business and in life, how you ride, run, lead, follow, in the race, is everything. At the end of the day, it is only you who looks back at your Maker. The choices we have in this Country? Well, someone paid for those. Best to appreciate and cherish that.
This link is to an e book on the aspects of Leadership, written by Dr Ed. Brenegar, who is coming to visit Donna and I this week end. I highly recommend it. One never knows when one may be forced to lead. Having tools to be good at it, is important.
This image is courtesy of the US Military Press Corps. I did not shoot it. I would have had a very difficult time doing so.