Wisdom: COVID-19 Reality Series

Wisdom: COVID-19 Reality Series

It has been awhile since I have posted an entry here. Like many of us, I too have been in hard battles. We all fight for our families and our brothers in this Panic-demic.

I won’t dwell on the fight today.

The following was something I put into one of the approximate dozen groups I contribute to globally, as we wade into what the future holds for us.

When I was studying in Bible College (I took courses at RHEMA and LESEA), one of my courses was being taught by a former Baptist minister turned evangelist, a guy named Norville Hayes. He said this, which stuck with me.
“Most people make plans and then ask God to bless those. We would do well to go to God first, and ask him what the plan is, and then it would already be blessed.”
He was teaching on  obedience and wisdom.
The following verses ring within me always when the fight becomes feverish in nature.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom”
“If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally”
God is faithful even when we are headstrong.  That is why I try to keep my emotions and impulses under the covering of prayer, tempered with Faith in God always being there, acting on my and His Church’s behalf.
We win because he already has. Our job is to walk within that context.
I posted this in a few of my social media feeds last week. People need encouragement.  I can understand how it has garnered over six million views since it was posted on May 7, 2020.
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