Just in the door from a wonderful watery trip to Costa Rica, I found myself in a meeting at City Hall here in Ventura yesterday, with City Engineers, a smart Engineering firm from SF, reps from the California Coastal Commission, Army Corps of Engineers and some members of the Surf Community who volunteered to delve into a solution for an ongoing erosion problem at our town’s main point break, Surfers Point.
As I looked around the room, it hit me how significant our people can be. We bring to the table an informed love for the watery world we live our life around. The term for this understanding, is known as Cultural Intelligence.
I frequently get asked to work on some rather large scale problems as a Creative and Ocean subject matter expert. This is a source of both entertainment and frustration for me, due to the grand complexity of the challenges, and the level of social embedment which frequently accompanies large scale global issues.
As I began to study this smaller more localized problem, I found great joy in recognizing that via a collaboration between the City and our people, we might actually be able to architect some benefit which future generations might be able to enjoy, long after we all have left the building, and do so on a very short timeline.
I like that.
It made me smile this World Oceans Day, even as my colleagues in Blue Mind and a couple of the other think tank type groups, sent their own ocean love messages aloft on the digital seas today.
Everything to gain.