Rousing Lions. A Culinary Guide to Mutton

Rousing Lions. A Culinary Guide to Mutton

Someone very close to me posed a question yesterday with regard to the alarming state of compliance in the general populace with regard to the CV-19 Op.

“How does one go about waking these people up?”

My Answer was a little bit cryptic.

“Sheep are going to be sheep”

Here is a more pointed answer.

“Forget the sheep. Rouse the Lions.”

Within my study of risk mitigation and first response, Shawn Alladio the head of K38 Rescue, would always do her best to drill into each of us under her command and tutelage to: “Be an apex predator. I want you to think like a victim. But you need to act like a Rescuer (lion).”

This really is the way, if one wants to establish an appropriate and effective beachhead in what appears to be a severe attack on the health, safety and welfare of Humanity.

The following links below are a couple good pieces of information contained in blog and interview forms.

Well worth the time for Lions to tear into.

Why anyone ever allowed the UN and its functionaries to operate within US territorial boundaries, is a question the Nation would do well to pursue an answer for.


Catherine Austin Fitts perfectly describes every aspect of my own understanding regarding what we are experiencing today.

God sent His only begotten son into the world to redeem mankind and bring Humanity the opportunity to dwell in His presence. Jesus was described as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

Best to choose that path.


HT to Amy for sending along the Fitts interview, and for being a lion.



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In Pursuit of God’s Glory

You may find this read from Gary Sharpe valuable. The comments thread is excellent. People are thinking. At least some are: Donna and I


In Pursuit of the Good

This dropped in as I was finishing loading my two trauma kits today. It really struck me, because I maintain my emergency medical supply


Fear Not This will not end well. All of these companies mentioned in the article just likely put us in greater jeopardy. Easy to see who